TCM China:

Tonifying Herbs 



ginseng (radix ginseng; ren shen)

replenishing the primordial qi, restoring pulse and treating collapse, tonifying the spleen and lung, promoting the production of body fluid to quench thirst, tranquilizing the mind and improving mental power.

dangshen (radix codonopsis pilosulae; dang shen)

invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, promoting the production of body fluid and nourishing the blood.

astragalus root (radix astragali seu hedysari; huang qi)

tonifying the qi, lifting the sunken yang, strengthening the defensive energy and superficial resistance, promoting pus discharge and tissue regeneration, and tissue regeneration, and inducing diuresis to cure edema.

white atractylodes rhizome (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae; bai zhu)

replenishing qi and reinforcing the spleen, eliminating dampness and inducing diuresis, stopping sweating and preventing abortion.

Chinese yam (rhizoma dioscoreae; shan yao)

reinforcing the spleen and stomach, promoting the production of body fluid to nourish the lung and strengthening the kidney to arrest spermatorrhea.

licorice (radix glycyrrhizae; gan cao)

invigorating the spleen, replenishing qi, eliminating phlegm, arresting cough, clearing away heat and toxins, relieving spasm and pain, and moderating the properties of other drugs.

epimedium (herba epimedii; xian ling pi)

tonifying the kidney, strengthening yang, dispelling wind and eliminating dampness.

eucommia bark (cortex eucommiae; du zhong)

nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening the bones and muscles and preventing abortion.

psoralea fruit (fructus psoraleae; bu gu zhi)

tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang to treat spontaneous emission and frequent urination, and warming up the spleen to stop diarrhea.

desertliving cistanche (herba cistanchis; rou cong rong)

tonifying the kidney, reinforcing yang, replenishing the vital essence and blood, and moistening the bowels to relieve constipation.

Chinese angelica root (radix angelicae sinensis; dang gui)

tonifying the blood, promoting blood circulation, relieving pain and moistening the bowels.

prepared rehmannia root (radix rehmanniae praeparata; shou di)

nourishing the blood, tonifying yin, and replenishing the vital essence and marrow.

fleece-flower root (radix polygoni multiflori; he shou wu)

replenishing the vital essence and blood, curing malaria, clearing away toxins, moistening the intestines and relieving constipation.

white peony root (radix paeoniae alba; bai shao)

nourishing the blood, regulating menstruation, reinforcing yin with astringent action to stop sweating, nourishing the liver to relieve pain and suppressing the liver-yang.

donkey-hide gelatin (colla corii asini; e jiao)

tonifying the blood, arresting bleeding ,nourishing yin and moistening dryness.

glehnia root (radix glehniae; sha shen)

clearing away heat from the lung, nourishing yin reinforcing the stomach and promoting the production of body fluid.

ophiopogon root (radix ophiopogonis; mai dong)

moistening the lung and nourishing yin, nourishing the stomach, promoting the production of body fluid, clearing away heart-fire to relieve vexation, and moistening the bowels to relieve constipation.

dendrobium stem (herba dendrobii; shi hu)

nourishing the stomach to promote the production of body fluid, nourishing yin and clearing away heat.

lily bulb (bulbus lilii; bai he)

nourishing the lung to arrest cough and clearing away heart-fire to tranquilize the mind.

wolfberry fruit (fructus lycii;gou qi zi)

strengthening the kidney, replenishing the vital essence, nourishing the liver to improve the acuity of vision, and nourishing yin to moisten the lung.

fresh-water turtle shell (carapax trionycis; bie jia)

nourishing yin, suppressing hyperactive liver-yang, softening hard masses and resolving lumps.

tortoise plastron (plastrum testudinis; gui ban)

nourishing yin and suppressing hyperactive liver-yang, reinforcing the kidney to strengthen the bones, nourishing the blood, reinforcing the heart, and normalizing menstruation to cure menorrhagia.


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