cow-bezoar (calculus bovis; niu huang) |
checking endogenous wind to relieve
convulsion, resolving phlegm to induce resuscitation and clearing away
heat and toxins. |
dragon's bone (os craconis fossilia; long gu) |
calming the liver and suppressing
hyperactivity of the liver-yang, inducing sedation and tranquilization,
inducing astringency and promoting regeneration of tissues and healing
of wounds. |
oyster shell (concha ostreae; mu li) |
calming the liver and suppressing
hyperactivity of the liver-yang, softening and dissolving hard masses
and inducing astringency. |
red ochre (ochra haematitum; dai zhe shi) |
calming the liver and suppressing
hyperactivity of the liver-yang, checking and descending the upward
adverse flow of qi, removing heat from the blood and stopping bleeding. |
uncaria stem with hooks (ramulus uncariae cum uncis; gou
teng) |
checking endogenous wind, relieving spasm,
clearing away heat and calming the liver. |
gastrodia tuber (rhizoma gastrodiae; tian ma) |
checking endogenous wind to relieve
convulsion, calming the liver and suppressing hyperactivity of the
liver-yang, and removing obstruction in the collaterals to relieve pain. |
scorpion (scorpio; quan xie) |
checking endogenous wind to relieve
convulsion, clearing away toxins, resolving hard masses and removing
obstruction in the collaterals to relieve pain. |
earthworm (lumbricus; di long) |
clearing away heat to arrest convulsion,
clearing away heat from the lung to relieve asthma, relaxing the muscles
to remove obstruction in the collaterals, and curing stranguria by
inducing diuresis. |