TCM China:

    Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Traditional Chinese Medicine Books







18.6cm ¡Á26.1cm,

701 pages, 1999. 10. 



Author, Long Zhixian.

Published by Academy (Xue Yuan) Press.




Part I Meridians and Points

Chapter 1 A General Introduction to the Meridians

Section 1 Development of the Theory of the Meridians

Section 2 The Composition of the Meridians System

1.       The Twelve Regular Meridians

2.       The Eight Extra Meridians

3.       The Fifteen Collaterals

4.       The Twelve Divergent Meridians

5.       The Twelve Muscle Regions

6.       The Twelve Cutaneous Regions

Section 3 The Gen, Jie, Biao, Ben, Qijie and the Four Seas of the Meridians

Sections 4 Physiological Functions of the Meridians System and Clinical Application of the Theory of the Meridians

1.       Physiological Function of the Meridians

2.       Clinical Application of the Theory of the Meridians

Section 5 The Courses of the Twelve Regular Meridians and TheirPrincipal Symptoms

1.       Lung Meridian

2.       Large Intestine Meridian

3.       Stomach Meridian

4.       Spleen Meridian

5.       Heart Meridian

6.       Small Intestine Meridian

7.       Bladder Meridian

8.       Kidney Meridian

9.       Pericardium Meridian

10.   Triple Energizer Meridian

11.   Gallbladder Meridian

12.   Liver Meridian

Section 6 The Course, Principal Symptoms and Crossing Acupoints of the Eight Extra Meridians

1.       Governor Vessel

2.       Conception Vessel

3.       Thoroughfare Vessel

4.       Belt Vessel

5.       Yin Link Vessel

6.        Yang Link Vessel

7.       Yin Heel Vessel

8.       Yang Heel Vessel

Section 7 Acupoints, Courses, Principal Indications and Treatment of Fifteen Collaterals

 Chapter 2 An Introduction to Acupoints

Section 1 The Essential Concept of Acupoints

Section 2 The Development and Classification of Acupoints

Section 3 The Nomenclature of Acupoints

Section 4 The Properties of Acupoints

Section 5 The Concept and Classification of Specific Points

1.       Five Shu Points

2.       Yuan-(Primary) Points and Luo-(Connecting) Points

( 1 ) Yuan-(Primary) Points

( 2 ) Luo-(Connecting) Points

3.       Back-(Shu) Points and Front-(Mu)Points

( 1 ) Back-(Shu) Points

(2 ) Front-(Mu) Points

4.       Eight Converging Points

5.       Xi-(Cleft) Points

6.       Lower He-(Sea) Points

7.       Eight Confluent Points and Crossing Points

8.       Section 6 Methods of Locating Acupoints

Chapter 3 The Fourteen Meridians¡¯Acupuncture Points and the Extraordinary Points

Extraordinary Points

Section 1 The Acupuncture Points of Lung Meridian

1.       LU 1 Zhongfu

2.       LU 2 Yunmen

3.       LU 3 Tianfu

4.       LU 4 Xiabai

5.       LU 5 Chize

6.       LU 6 Kongzui

7.       LU 7 Lieque

8.       LU 8 Jingqu

9.       LU 9 Taiyuan

10.   LU 10 Yuji

11.   LU 11 Shaoshang

Section 2 The Acupuncture Poinst of Large Intestine Meridian

1.       LI 1 Shangyang

2.       LI. 2 Erjian

3.       LI 3 Sanjian

4.       LI 4 Hegu

5.       LI 5 Yangxi

6.       LI 6 Pianli

7.       LI 7 Wenliu

8.       LI 8 Xialian

9.       LI 9 Shanglian

10.   LI 10 Shousanli

11.   LI 11 Quchi

12.   LI 12 Zhouliao

13.   LI 13 Shouwuli

14.   LI 14 Binao

15.   LI 15 Jianyu

16.   LI 16 Jugu

17.   LI 17 Tianding

18.   LI 18 Futu

19.   LI 19 Kouheliao

20.   LI 20 Yingxiang

Section 3 The Acupuncture Points of Stomach Meridian

1.       ST 1 Chengqi

2.       ST 2 Sibai

3.       ST 3 Juliao

4.       ST 4 Dicang

5.       ST 5 Daying

6.       ST 6 Jiache

7.       ST 7 Xiaguan

8.       ST 8 Touwei

9.       ST 9 Renying

10.   ST 10 Shuitu

11.   ST 11 Qishe

12.   ST 12 Quepen

13.   ST 13 Qihu

14.   ST 14 Kufang

15.   ST 15 Wuyi

16.   ST 16 Yingchuang

17.   ST 17 Ruzhong

18.   ST 18 Rugen

19.   ST 19 Burong

20.   ST 20 Chengman

21.   ST 21 Liangmen

22.   ST 22 Guanmen

23.   ST 23 Taiyi

24.   ST 24 Huaroumen

25.   ST 25 Tianshu

26.   ST 26 Wailing

27.   ST 27 Daju

28.   ST 28 Shuidao

29.   ST 29 Guilai

30.   ST 30 Qichong

31.   ST 31 Biguan

32.   ST 32 Futu

33.   ST 33 Yinshi

34.   ST 34 Liangqiu

35.   ST 35 Dubi

36.   ST 36 Zusanli

37.   ST 37 Shangjuxu

38.   ST 38 Tiaokou

39.   ST 39 Xiajuxu

40.   ST 40 Fenglong

41.   ST 41 Jiexi

42.   ST 42 Cnongyang

43.   ST 43 Xiangu

44.   ST 44 Neiting

45.   ST 45 Lidui

Section 4 The Acupuncture Points of Spleen Meridian

1.       SP 1 Yinbai

2.       SP 2 Dadu

3.       SP 3 Taibai

4.       SP 4 Gongsun

5.       SP 5 Shangqiu

6.       SP 6 Sanyinjiao

7.       SP 7 Lougu

8.       SP 8 Diji

9.       SP 9 Yinlingquan

10.    SP 10 Xuehai

11.    SP 11 Jimen

12.    SP 12 Chongmen

13.    SP 13 Fushe

14.    SP 14 Fujie

15.    SP 15 Daheng

16.    SP 16 Fuai

17.    SP 17 Shidou

18.    SP 18 Tianxi

19.    SP 19 Xiongxiang

20.    SP 20 Zhourong

21.   SP 21 Dabao

Section 5 The Acupuncture Points of Heart Meridian

1.       HT 1 Jiquan

2.       HT 2 Qingling

3.       HT 3 Shaohai

4.       HT 4 Lingdao

5.       HT 5 Tongli

6.       HT 6 Yinxi

7.       HT 7 Shenmen

8.       HT 8 Shaofu

9.       HT 9 Shaochong

Section 6 The Acupuncture Points of Small Intestine Meridian

1.       SI 1 Shaoze

2.       SI 2 Qiangu

3.       SI 3 Houxi

4.       SI 4 Wangu

5.       SI 5 Yanggu

6.       SI 6 Yanglao

7.       SI 7 Zhizheng

8.       SI 8 Xiaohai

9.       SI9 Jianzhen

10.   SI 10 Naoshu

11.   SI 11 Tianzong

12.   SI 12 Bingfeng

13.   SI 13 Quyuan

14.   SI 14 Jianwaishu

15.   SI 15 Jianzhongshu

16.   SI 16 Tianchuang

17.   SI 17 Tianrong

18.   SI 18 Quanliao

19.   SI 19 Tinggong

Section 7 The Acupuncture Points of Bladder Meridian

1.       BL 1 Jiangming

2.       BL 2 Cuanzhu

3.       BL 3 Meichong

4.       BL 4 Qucha

5.       BL 5 Wuchu

6.       BL 6 Chengguang

7.       BL 7 Tongtian

8.       BL 8 Luoque

9.       BL 9 Yuzhen

10.    BL 10 Tianzhu

11.    BL 11 Dazhu

12.    BL 12 Fengmen

13.    BL 13 Feishu

14.    BL 14 Jueyinshu

15.    BL 15 Xinshu

16.    BL 16 Dushu

17.    BL 17 Geshu

18.    BL 18 Ganshu

19.    BL 19 Danshu

20.    BL 20 Pishu

21.    BL 21 Weishu

22.    BL 22 Sanjiaoshu

23.    BL 23 Shenshu

24.    BL 24 Qihaishu

25.    BL 25 Dachangshu

26.    BL 26 Guanyuanshu

27.    BL 27 Xiaochangshu

28.    BL 28 Pangguangshu

29.    BL 29 Zhonglushu

30.    BL 30 Baihuanshu

31.    BL 31 Shangliao

32.    BL 32 Ciliao

33.    BL 33 Zhongliao

34.    BL 34 Xiaoliao

35.    BL 35 Huiyang

36.    BL 36 Chengfu

37.    BL 37 Yinmen

38.    BL 38 Fuxi

39.    BL 39 Weiyang

40.    BL 40 Weizhong

41.    BL 41 Fufen

42.    BL 42 Pohu

43.    BL 43 Gaohuang

44.    BL 44 Shentang

45.    BL 45 Yixi

46.    BL 46 Geguan

47.    BL 47 Hunmen

48.    BL 48 Yanggang

49.    BL 49 Yishe

50.    BL 50 Weicang

51.    BL 51 Huangmen

52.    BL 52 Zhishi

53.    BL 53 Baohuang

54.    BL 54 Zhibian

55.    BL 55 Heyang

56.    BL 56 Chengjin

57.    BL 57 Chengshan

58.    BL 58 Feiyang

59.    BL 59 Fuyang

60.    BL 60 Kunlun

61.    BL 61 Pucan

62.    BL 62 Shenmai

63.    BL 63 Jinmen

64.    BL 64 Jinggu

65.    BL 65 Shugu

66.    BL 66 Zutonggu

67.    BL 67 Zhiyin

Section 8 The Acupuncture Points of Kidney Meridian

1.       KI 1 Yongquan

2.       KI 2 Rangu

3.       KI 3 Taixi

4.       KI 4 Dazhong

5.       KI 5 Shuiquan

6.       KI 6 Zhaohai

7.       KI 7 Fuliu

8.       KI 8 Jiaoxin

9.       KI 9 Zhubin

10.    KI 10 Yingu

11.    KI 11 Henggu

12.    KI 12 Dahe

13.    KI 13 Qixue

14.    KI 14 Siman

15.    KI 15 Zhongzhu

16.    KI 16 Huangshu

17.    KI 17 Shangqu

18.    KI 18 Shiguan

19.    KI 19 Yindu

20.    KI 20 Futonggu

21.    KI 21 Youmen

22.    KI 22 Bulang

23.    KI 23 Shenfeng

24.    KI 24 Lingxu

25.    KI 25 Shencang

26.    KI 26 Yuzhong

27.    KI 27 Shufu

Section 9 The Acupuncture Points of Pericardium Meridian

1.       PC 1 Tianchi

2.       PC 2 Tianquan

3.       PC 3 Quze

4.       PC 4 Ximen

5.       PC 5 Jianshi

6.       PC 6 Neiguan

7.       PC 7 Daling

8.       PC 8 Laogong

9.       PC 9 Zhongchong

Section 10 The Acupuncture Points of Triple Energizer Meridian

1.       TE 1 Guanchong

2.       TE 2 Yemen

3.       TE 3 Zhongzhu

4.       TE 4 Yangchi

5.       TE 5 Waiguan

6.       TE 6 Zhigou

7.       TE 7 Huizong

8.       TE 8 Sanyangluo

9.       TE 9 Sidu

10.    TE 10 Tianjing

11.    TE 11 Qinglengyuan

12.    TE 12 Xiaoluo

13.    TE 13 Naohui

14.    TE 14 Jianliao

15.    TE 15 Tianliao

16.    TE 16 Tianyou

17.    TE 17 Yifeng

18.    TE 18 Chimai

19.    TE 19 Luxi

20.    TE 20 Jiaosun

21.    TE 21 Ermen

22.    TE 22 Erheliao

23.    TE 23 Sizhukong

Section 11 The Acupuncture Points of Gallbladder Meridian

1.       GB 1 Tongziliao

2.       GB 2 Tinghui

3.       GB 3 Shangguan

4.       GB 4 Hanyan

5.       GB 5 Xuanlu

6.       GB 6 Xuanli

7.       GB 7 Qubin

8.       GB 8 Shuaigu

9.       GB 9 Tianchong

10.    GB 10 Fubai

11.    GB 11 Touqiaoyin

12.    GB 12 Wangu

13.    GB 13 Benshen

14.    GB 14 Yangbai

15.    GB 15 Toulinqi

16.    GB 16 Muchuang

17.    GB 17 Zhengying

18.    GB 18 Chengling

19.    GB 19 Naokong

20.    GB 20 Fengchi

21.    GB 21 Jianjing

22.    GB 22 Yuanye

23.    GB 23 Zhejin

24.    GB 24 Riyue

25.    GB 25 Jingmen

26.    GB 26 Daimai

27.    GB 27 Wushu

28.    GB 28 Weidao

29.    GB 29 Juliao

30.    GB 30 Huantiao

31.    GB 31 Fengshi

32.    GB 32 Zhongdu

33.    GB 33 Xiyangguan

34.    GB 34 Yanglingquan

35.    GB 35 Yangjiao

36.    GB 36 Waiqiu

37.   GB 37 Guangming

38.    GB 38 Yangfu

39.    GB 39 Xuanzhong

40.    GB 40 Qiuxu

41.    GB 41 Zulinqi

42.    GB 42 Diwuhui

43.    GB 43 Xiaxi

44.    GB 44 Zuqiaoyin

 Section 12 The Acupuncture Points of Liver Meridian

1.       LR 1 Dadun

2.       LR 2 Xingjian

3.       LR 3 Taichong

4.       LR 4 Zhongfeng

5.       LR 5 Ligou

6.       LR 6 Zhongdu

7.       LR 7 Xiguan

8.       LR 8 Ququan

9.       LR 9 Yinbao

10.    LR 10 Zuwuli

11.    LR 11 Yinlian

12.    LR 12 Jimai

13.    LR 13 Zhangmen

14.    LR 14 Qimen

Section 13 The Acupuncture Points of Governor Vessel

1.       GV 1 Changqiang

2.       GV 2 Yaoshu

3.       GV 3 Yaoyangguan

4.       GV 4 Mingmen

5.       GV 5 Xuanshu

6.       GV 6 Jizhong

7.       GV 7 Zhongshu

8.       GV 8 Jinsuo

9.       GV 9 Zhiyang

10.    GV 10 Lingtai

11.    GV 11 Shendao

12.    GV 12 Shenzhu

13.    GV 13 Taodao

14.    GV 14 Dazhui

15.    GV 15 Yamen

16.    GV 16 Fengfu

17.    GV 17 Naohu

18.    GV 18 Qiangjian

19.    GB 19 Houding

20.    GV 20 Baihui

21.    GV 21 Qianding

22.    GV 22 Xinhui

23.    GV 23 Shangxing

24.    GV 24 Shenting

25.    GV 25 Suliao

26.    GV 26 Shuigou

27.    GV 27 Duiduan

28.    GV 28 Yinjiao

Section 14 The Acupuncture Points of Conception Vessel

1.       CV 1 Huiyin

2.       CV 2 Qugu

3.       CV 3 Zhongji

4.       CV 4 Guanyuan

5.       CV 5 Shimen

6.       CV 6 Qihai

7.       CV 7 Yinjiao

8.       CV 8 Shenque

9.       CV 9 Shuifen

10.    CV 10 Xiawan

11.    CV 11 Jianli

12.    CV 12 Zhongwan

13.    CV 13 Shangwan

14.    CV 14 Juque

15.    CV 15 Jiuwei

16.    CV 16 Zhongting

17.    CV 17 Tanzhong

18.    CV 18 Yutang

19.    CV 19 Zigong

20.    CV 20 Huagai

21.    CV 21 Xuanji

22.    CV 22 Tiantu

23.    CV 23 Lianquan

24.    CV 24 Chengjiang

Chapter 4 Extraordinary Points

Section 1 Region of the Head and Neck

1.       EX-HN 1 Sishencong

2.       EX-HN 3 Yintang

3.       EX-HN 5 Taiyang

4.       EX-HN 6 Erjian

5.       EX-HN 7 Qiuhou

6.       EX-HN 8 Shangyingxiang

7.       EX-HN 9 Neiyingxiang

8.       EX-HN 10 Juquan

9.       EX-HN 12 Jinjin

10.    EX-HN 13 Yuye

11.    EX-HN 14 Yiming

12.    EX-HN 15 Jingbailao

13.    EX-Hn Shanglianquan

14.    EX-HN Jingbi

Section 2 The Points in the Region of the Chest and Abdomen

1.       EX-CA Weishang

2.       EX-CA Sanjiaojiu

3.       EX-CA Liniaoxue

4.       EX-CA Qimenxue

5.       EX-CA Tituo

6.       EX-CA Zigongxue

Section 3 The Points in the Region of the Back and Lumbar

1.       EX-B 1 Dingchuan

2.       EX-B 2 Jiaji

3.       EX-B 3 Weiwanxiashu

4.       EX-B 4 Pigen

5.       EX-B 5 Xiajishu

6.       EX- B 7 Yaoyan

7.       EX-B 8 Shiqizhui

8.       EX-B Xueyadian

9.       EX-B Juqueshu

10.    EX-B Jieji

Section 4 The Point in the Region of the Upper and Lower Extremities

1.       EX-UE 1 Zhoujian

2.       EX-UE 2 Erbai

3.       EX-UE 3 Zhongquan

4.       EX-UE 4 Zhongkui

5.       EX-UE 5 Dagukong

6.       EX-UE 6 Xiaogukong

7.       EX-UE 7 Yaotongdian

8.       EX-UE 8 Wailaogong

9.       EX-UE 9 Baxie

10.    EX-UE 10 Sifeng

11.    EX-UE 11 Shixuan

12.    EX-UE Wuhu

13.    EX-UE Shounizhu

14.    EX-UE Jianqian

15.    EX-LE 2 Heding

16.    EX-LE Baichongwo

17.    EX-LE 4 Neixiyan

18.    EX-LE 6 Dannang

19.    EX-LE 7 Lanwei

20.    EX-LE 10 Bafeng

21.    EX-LE 11 Duyin

22.    EX-LE 12 Qiduan

Part II Acupuncture and Moxibustion Techniques

Chapter 1 Filiform Needle

Section 1 The Structure and Specification

Section 2 Needle Practice

1.       Practice on Sheets of Paper

2.       Practice on a Cotton Cushion

3.       Practice on Your Own Body

Section 3 Preparations Prior to Acupuncture Treatment

1.       Inspection of the Instruments

2.       Posture of the Patient

3.       Sterilization

Section 4 Manipulation

1.       Insertion

2.       Angle and Depth of Insertion

3.       Manipulations and Arrival of Qi(needling sensation)

4.       Reinforcing and Reducing Methods

5.       Retaining and Withdrawing the Needle

Section 5 Management of Possible Accidents

1.       Fainting

2.       Stuck Needle

3.       Bent Needle

4.       Broken Needle

5.       Hematoma

Section 6 Precautions in Acupuncture Treatment

Chapter 2 Moxibustion

Section 1 Classification of Moxibustion

1.       Moxibustion with Moxa Cone

2.       Moxibustion with Moxa Roll

3.       Warming Needle Moxibustion

4.       Moxibustion with Mild Moxibustioner

Section 2 Moxibustion with Other Materials

1.       Burning Rush Moxibustion

2.       White Mustard Seed (Semen Sinapis Albae) Moxibustion

Section 3 Precautions

1.       Order of Moxibustion

2.       Reinforcement and Reduction with Moxibustion

Section 4 Contraindications of Moxibustion

Section 5 Management After Moxibustion

(Appendix: Cupping)

Chapter 3 Other Acupuncture Therapies

Chapter 3 Other Acupuncture Therapies

Section 1 The Three-Edged Needle

1.       Manipulations

2.       Indications

3.       Precautions

Section 2 The Cutaneous Needle

1.       Manipulation

2.       Indications

3.       Precautions

Section 3 The Intradermal Needle

1.       Manipulations

2.       Indications

3.       Precautions

Section 4 Electro-Acupuncture

1.       Manipulation

2.       The Actions of the Electro-Pulsation and the Indications of Electro-Acupuncture

3.       Precautions

Section 5 Hydro-Acupuncture

1.       Commonly Used Drugs

2.       Administration

3.       Precautions

Chapter 4 Nine Needles in the Ancient Times and the Methods Listed in Internal Classic

Section 1 Nine Needles

Section 2 The Nine Needling Methods

Section 3 The Twelve Needlings

Section 4 The Five Needling Techniques

Chapter 5 Scalp Acupuncture

Section 1 Locations and Indications of the Stimulating Areas

Section 2 Operations

Section 3 Indications

Section 4 Precautions

Chapter 6 Ear Acupuncture

Section 1 Relations between the Auricle and Zang-fu Organs and Meridians

Section 2 Anatomical Names of the Auricles Surface

Section 3 Auricular Points

Section 4 Application of Ear Acupuncture

1.       Diagnosis by Auricular Points

2.       Selection of Points and Manipulation of Ear Acupuncture-

Section 5 Precautions

Section 6 Examples of Points Prescriptions for Some Common Diseases

Part III Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment

Chapter 1 Indroduction

Section 1 Differentiation according to the Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy

Section 2 Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Section 3 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Prescription

1.       Selection of Nearby Points

2.       Selection of Distant Points

3.       Selection of Symptomatic Points

4.       Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son

5.       Selecting Points by Earth Meridian Ebb-Flowing Rule

Chapter 2 Acupuncture Therapy

 Section 1 Internal Diseases

1.       Stroke

2.       Sunstroke

3.       Syncope

4.       Common Cold

5.       Malaria

6.       Cough

7.       Asthma

8.       Epigastric Pain

9.       Vomiting

10.    Hiccup

11.    Diarrhea

12.    Constipation

13.    Abdominal Distention

14.    Dysentery

15.    Prolapse Ani

16.    Jaundice

17.    Edema

18.    Enuresis

19.    Hesitancy and Obstruction

20.    Urination Disturbance

21.    Impotence

22.    Spermatorrhea

23.    Insomnia (Appendix: Poor Memory)

24.    Palpitation and Severe Palpitation

25.    Depressive Madness

26.    Epilepsy

27.    Dizziness

28.    Melancholia

29.    Obesity

30.    Headache

31.    Facial Pain

32.    Pain in Hypochondriac Region

33.    Lumbago

34.    Blockage-Syndromes (Bi Syndromes)

35.    Wry Face

36.    Atrophy-Syndrome (Wei Syndromes)

Section 2 Gynecological and Pediatric Diseases

1.       Irregular Menstruation

2.       Dysmenorrhea

3.       Amenorrhea

4.       Uterine Bleeding

5.       Morbid Leukorrhea

6.       Prolapse of Uterus

7.       Morning Sickness

8.       Malposition of Fetus

9.       Protracted Labour

10.    Insufficient Lactation (Appendix: Delactation)

11.    Acute Infantile Convulsion

12.    Chronic Infantile Convulsion

13.    Infantile Diarrhea

14.    Children¡¯s Malnutrition

15.    Infantile Paralysis

16.    Mumps

Section 3 External Diseases

1.       Urticaria

2.       Acne

3.       Erysipelas

4.       Herpes Zoster

5.       Boils

6.       Breast Abscess

7.       Intestinal Abscess

8.       Goiter

9.       Sprain and Contusion (Appendix: Torticollis)

Section 4 Diseases and Syndromes of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Mouth

1.       Tinnitus and Deafness

2.       Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the Eye

3.       Rhinorrhea with Turbid Discharge

4.       Epistaxis

5.       Toothache

6.       Sore Throat with Swelling

7.       Blindness with Insidious Onset