Otorhinolaryngology, Traditional Chinese Medicine Books

TCM China:

Otorhinolaryngology, Traditional Chinese Medicine Books









366 pages, 1994, 12.







Author, Xu Xiangcai.

Published by Higher Education Press Beijing, China.






1.1 The relationship between the Ear, Nose, Throat Mouth, Teeth and Zangfu Organs through the Meridians

1.2 Etiology and Pathology of the Otorhinolaryngologic, Oral and Dental Diseases

1.2.1 Six Exogenous Pathogenic Factors

1.2.2 Fuming and Steaming of Fire-heat

1.2.3 Deficiency in Zangfu Organs

1.2.4 Qi stagnation, Blood Stasis and Accumulation of Phlegm

1.3 The Essentials of Differentiation of Zangfu Theory on Otorhinolaryngologic, Oral and Dental Diseases

1.3.1 Syndromes of the Lung

1.3.2 Syndromes of the Kidney

1.3.3 Syndromes of the Spleen and Stomach

1.3.5 Syndromes of the Heart

1.4 The Essentials of the Treatment of Otorhinolaryngologic, Oral and Dental Diseases

1.4.1 The Methods for Internal Treatment

1.4.2 The Methods for External Treatment

1.4.3 Acumoxatherapy

2. Otology

2.1 The Essentials of Differentiation of Otologic Diseases

2.1.1 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs

2.1.2 Differentiation through Endoscopy

2.2 Common Otologic Diseases

2.2.1 Auricular False Cyst

2.2.2 Eczema of External Ear

2.2.3 Auricular Herpes Zoster

2.2.4 Otitis Externa

2.2.5 Furuncular Otitis Externa

2.2.6 Myringitis Bullosa

2.2.7 Obliteration of Tuba Acustica

2.2.8 Abnormal Patency of Tuba Acustica

2.2.9 Acute Non-suppurative Otitis Media

2.2.10 Chronic Non-suppurative Otitis Media

2.2.11 Acute Suppurative Otitis Media

2.2.12 Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

2.2.13 Bell's Palsy

2.2.14 Meniere's Syndrom

2.2.15 Vestibular Neuritis

2.2.16 Sudden Deafness

2.2.17 Senile Deafness

2.2.18 Nervous Tinnitus

3. Rhinology

3.1 The Essentials of Differentiation of Rhinologic diseases

3.1.1 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs

3.1.2 Differentiation through Endoscopy

3.2 Common Rhinologic Diseases

3.2.1 Nasal Vestibulitis

3.2.2 Nasal Furuncle

3.2.3 Acute Rhinitis

3.2.4 Chronic Rhinitis

3.2.5 Allergic Rhinitis

3.2.6 Rhinitis sicca

3.2.7 Atrophic Rhinitis

3.2.8 Rhinorrhagia

3.2.9 Acute Sinusitis

3.2.10 Chronic Sinusitis

4. Pharyngology

4.1 The Essentials of Differentiation of Pharyngeal Diseases

4.1.1 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs

4.1.2 Differentiation through Endoscopy

4.2 Common Pharyngeal diseases

4.2.1 Rhinopharyngitis

4.2.2 Submucous Hematoma of the Pharynx

4.2.3 Acute tonsillitis

4.2.4 Peritonsillar Abscess

4.2.5 Acute simple Pharyngitis

4.2.6 Chronic simple Pharyngitis

4.2.7 Chronic Hypertrophic Pharyngitis

4.2.8 Atrophic Pharyngitis

4.2.9 Pharyngeal Paraesthesia

5. Laryngology

5.1 The Essentials of Differentiation of Laryngeal Diseases

5.1.1 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs

5.1.2 Differentiation Through Endoscopy

5.2 Common Laryngeal diseases

5.2.1 Acute Epiglottitis

5.2.2 Acute Laryngitis

5.2.3 Acute Subglottic Laryngitis

5.2.4 Chronic Simple Laryngitis

5.2.5 Chronic Hypertrophic Laryngitis

5.2.6 Polyp of the Vocal Cord

5.2.7 Vocal Nodules

5.2.8 Vocal Edema

5.2.9 Vocal Mucosal Hemorrhage

5.2.10 atrophic Laryngitis

5.2.11 Cricoarytenoid Arthritis

5.2.12 Cricothyroid Arthritis

5.2.13 Myasthenia Laryngis

5.2.14 Paralysis of the Vocal Cord

6. Stomatology and Dentistry

6.1 The Essentials of Differentiation of Oral and Dental Diseases

6.1.1 Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs

6.1.2 Differentiation through Endoscope

6.2 Common Oral and Dental Diseases

6.2.1 Acute Cheilitis

6.2.2 Chronic Cheilitis

6.2.3 Labial Simple Herpes

6.2.4 Aphthous Stomatitis

6.2.5 Recurrent Aphtha

6.2.6 Trilogy of the Eye, Mouth and Genitalia

6.2.7 Acute Gingivitis

6.2.8 Chronic Gingivitis

6.2.9 Acute Pulpitis

6.2.10 Sublingual Infection

6.2.11 Pericoronitis of Wisdom Teeth

an Appendix on Recipes