Surgery, Traditional Chinese Medicine Books

TCM China:












408 pages, 1994, 8.






Author, Xu Xiangcai.

Published by Higher Education Press Beijing, China.




1. Etiology and Pathogenesis

1.1 Etiology

1.2 Pathogenesis

2. Differentiation

2.1 Differentiation of Yin-syndrome

2.2 Differentiation of Swelling, Pain, Pus

3. Principles of Treatment

3.1 Internal Treatment

3.2 External Treatment

4. General Surgical Diseases

4.1 Boil

4.2 Carbuncle

4.3 Acute Phlegmon

4.4 Erysipelas

4.5 Hand Infection

4.6 Acute Lymphangitis

4.7 Acute Lymphnoditis

4.8 Acute Pyogenic Parotitis

4.9 Abscess of Iliac Fossa

4.10 General Pyogenic Infection

4.11 Lymphoid Tuberculosis

4.1.2 Acute Appendicitis

5. Mastosis

5.1 General Statement

5.2 Cracked Nipple

5.3 Acute Mastitis

5.4 Mammary Tuberculosis

5.5 Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands

5.6 Intraductal Papilloma

5.7 Disorder of Mammary Development

6. Peripheral Vascular Diseases

6.1 Thromboangiitis Obliterans

6.2 Arteriosclerosis Obliterans

6.3 Raynaud's Disease

6.4 Multiple Aorto-arteritis

6.5 Venous Thrombosis and Thrombophlebitis

7. Diseases of Male External Genitalia

7.1 Balanoposthitis

7.2 Induration of Penis

7.3 Hydrocele of Tunica Vaginalis

7.4 Epididymitis

7.5 Tuberculosis of Epididymis

7.6 Chromic Prostatitis

7.7 Hyperplasia of Prostate

8. Other Surgical Disorders

8.1 Burn

8.2 Cold Injury

8.3 Thyroid Adenoma

8.4 Ulcer of Lower Limbs

Index of Prescription