I. The Tibetan Regime Before the Establishment
of the politico-Religious Institution and the Rivalries Between Bon and Buddhism
in Tibet
1. Bon Religion and Tibetan Society Before the
Introduction of Buddhism into Tibet
2. The Economic and Political Situation in Tibet
When Buddhism Was Newly Introduced
3. Rivalries Between Buddhism and Bon
4. The Earliest Tibetan Buddhist Monks and the
Formation of the Rnying-ma Sect
5. The Transformation of Some Tibetan
Buddhist Monks from Slave Owners into Feudal Landlords owning Monasterial
6. The persecution of Buddhism by Glang-dar-ma
7. Period of chaos in Tufan and interior China
8. The Revival of Buddhism in Tibet
II. The Establishment of the politico-Religious
Institution and the Struggle for Political Power Among the Elites of Various
Religious Sects
1. The Monopoly of the Sa-skya sect of the Tibetan
Local Political Power and the War Between the Sa-skya Sect and the
Bri-gung Bka'-brgyud sect
2. The Phag-gru Sect's control of the Tibetan Local
Regime and the Rise of the Dge-lugs Sect
3. Internal Wars Among the Rulers of the phag-gru
4. The War between the Rin-spungs-pa and the
5. The War Between Sde-srid Gtsang-pa and the
6. Elimination of the Sde-srid Gtsang-pa Regime by
Gu-shri Khan, Establishment of the Original Tibetan Local Government, and
Suppression of the Rebellion of the Karma Bka'-brgyud Sect
7. The contradictions Between the Rnying-ma-pa and
the Dge-lugs-pa, and How the Upper Strata Elements Used Those Contradictions to
Launch Wars for Political Power
8. The Decline of the Politico-Religious System and
the Internal Struggle for Power within the Ruling class
9. The Encroachment of Imperialists upon Tibet, and
how Reactionary Elements of the Upper Strata in Tibet Betrayed Their country
10. The Launching of Armed rebellion by Reactionary
Upper Strata elements Under the Signboard of Religion and Nation, and the
Abrogation of the Polity Based on the Merging of Religious and Secular Rule
III. Conclusion
IV. Bibliography
A. The Thirteen-Article Ordinance for the More
Efficient Governing of Tibet
B. The Twenty-Nine-Article Ordinance for the More
Efficient governing of Tibet
C. The Agreement of the Central People's Government
and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of