TCM Bookstore, China:

China: Accession to The WTO And Economic Reform








14cm 〜 20.1cm,     

415 pages, 2002.




Author, Wang Mengkui.

Published by Foreign Languages Press Beijing, China
















China's Entry Into The WTO and the acceleration of The improvement of The socialist Market Economic System

Chapter I

Negotiations On China's Accession to The WTO And the market-oriented Reform

Section 1

To Join the WTO is China's strategic choice for taking part in economic globalization

Section 2

By only being familiar with the rules can China really under stand the WTO

Section 3

Negotiations for joining the WTO and China's market-oriented reform

Section 4

To scientifically view the pros and cons of joining the WTO

Chapter II

China's Accession to The WTO and The Reform And Development of Agriculture

Section 1

The WTO framework and its impact on China's agriculture

Section 2

China's accession to the WTO and polices for supporting and protecting agriculture and complimenting reforms

Section 3

Adapting agricultural production and operation to the WTO framework

Section 4

Entry into the WTO and the stability of the agricultural operational system and creation of an organizational system

Section 5

Entry into the WTO and non-agricultural development, urbanization and transfer of the surplus rural labor force

Chapter III

China's Accession to The WTO and upgrading of industrial international competitiveness

Section 1

An analysis of China's present industrial international competitiveness

Section 2

The impact of the WTO membership on China's industrial international competitiveness

Section 3

Thoughts on upgrading China's industrial international competitiveness

Chapter IV

China's Accession to The WTO and Reform In Its Infrastructure Industries

Section 1

Fully realizing the urgency of the reform of in infrastructure industries during China's opening up process

Section 2

 Breaking the monopolies, introducing competition, and establishing an adequate market economic mechanism

Section 3

Opening up the market and accelerating industrial reorganization in the infrastructure industries

Section 4

Rebuilding a government administrative system adapted to an open economy

Chapter V

China's Accession to the WTO and the opening and reform of financial services

Section 1

China's financial industry in the process of financial globalization

Section 2

The impact of financial globalization on China's finance

Section 3

Policies for coping with financial globalization

Chapter VI

China's Accession to the WTO and Building an open market system

Section 1

Establishing a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system

Section 2

Breaking the monopoly and blockade to create a market environment of fair competition

Section 3

Deepening the pricing reforms

Chapter VII

China's Accession to the WTO and human resource Development

Section 1

Competition for talents: a direct challenge posed after entry into the WTO

Section 2

Accelerating the building and improvement of a talent incentive mechanism

Section 3

Creating a social environment conducive to the development of human resources

Chapter VIII

China's Accession to the WTO and the building of a Socialist Market Economic Legal system

Section 1

Revising and improving relevant laws and regulations to adapt to the requirements of the WTO

Section 2

Accelerating the pace in legislation on administrative procedures to adapt to the requirements of the accession of the WTO

Section 3

Establishing a mechanism to solve domestic economic disputes in line with the WTO requirements

Chapter IX

China's Accession to The WTO and speeding up Governments reform with its public functions as the target

Section 1

Entry into the WTO and transformation of the functions of the government

Section 2

Speeding up government reform with public functions as the target is extremely urgent

Section 3

The WTO principles and challenges faced by China's financial and taxation systems
