12.9cm 〜 18.5cm,
pages, 2003.
Zhang Ciyun.
by Foreign Languages Press Beijing, China
A Winged Steed
Shooting a Willow Leaf
Master Carpenter
Drawing New Faces
Nothing too Deceitful
A Donkey Receipt
A Lame Turtle's Conquest
The Sea and Land
City Gate Fire
Following the Track
Lips and Teeth
Following Good Advice
Insatiable Desire
Imitating Beauty
Cattle Music
Root Cause
Spilt Water
Mountains and Rivers
Dog's Tail
Learning to Walk
Tiger and Dog
Eyes of the Dragon
A Foot or Two Too Far
Chickens and Dogs
Wily hare
Impregnable City
A bag of schemes
Waterfront Towers
A Hesitant Move
A Lost Sword
Like a Cornered Animal
Phony Player
Horse Sense
A Mere Platitude
Forgetting One's Home
Gentleman on the Bean
Clean hands
Who will Take the Deer?
Paper Price Soars
A Town in a Rainy Day
Crowded Courtyard
To Please Both Sides
When Birds Are Gone
Brick and Jade
To Sink the Boats
Flags and Drums
Riding a Tiger
Going Astray
A Care-Laden Man
A Valuable Neighbour
The Guizhou Donkey
A Powerful Crossbow
Meteoric Rise
Hot Vat
No Enough Bamboo
A Great Place
A Lost Mare
Visiting the Thatched Cottage
Man-made Tigers
Dead Ashes Flare up
Mournful Songs
Water Power
Water and Fire
Hook, line and Sinker
Life and Death
The Feeble Praying Mantis
A Cicada Story
An Escape-proof Net
A Heavenly Dress
Iron Rod and Needle
Spare the Rat
Jade Wise
Will-sapping Indulgence
Tending the flock
Imaginary Plums
A Pile of Eggs
Chicken Ribs
Before It Rains
Brushwood and Gall
Birds of a Feather
Cooking Beans
Bamboo Painting
Studying Hard
Stealing a Bell
Dragon Maniac
The First Song
Golden Promise
Jackals from the same Lair
A magic Leaf
Poisoned Wine
A Butcher's Cleaver
Foolish Old Man
Snipe and Clam
Mind Your Own Business
Spear and Shield
Monkey's nature
Let the Tiger Escape