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 Retail Price List Of Chinese Herbs In English With Chinese Name (4)














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NO:  English  Pin Yin   Latin  US$/kg
K-1(E) kadsura pepper stem hai feng teng Piperis Kadsurae Caulis 2.50
K-2(E) kaempferia root  shan nai  Kaempferiae Rhizoma  8.13
K-3(E) kansui root gan sui * Kansui Radix 29.69
K-4(E) kaolin  bai shi zhi  Kaolin  2.19
K-5(E) katsumada's galangal seed cao kou Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen 4.38
K-6(E) kelp kun bu Algae Thallus 4.69
K-7(E) knotgrass  bian xu  Polygoni Avicularis Herba  3.75
K-8(E) knotty pine wood  you song jie  Pine Lignum Nodi  3.13
K-9(E) knoxia root hong da ji * Knoxiae Radix 34.38
K-10(E) kochia fruit di fu zi Kochiae Fructus 1.88
K-11(E) korean ginseng root gao li shen Ginseng Radix Coreenis 562.50
L-1(E) lablab bean bai bian dou Lablab Semen 3.13
L-2(E) lanceolate stellaria root  yin chai hu   Stellariae Lanceolafae Radix  21.25
L-3(E) large gentian root  qin jiao  Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix  16.88
L-4(E) ledebouriella fang feng Ledebouriellae Radix 18.13
L-5(E) leech  shui zhi  Hirudo seu Whitmania  81.25
L-6(E) leonurus  yi mu cao  Leonuri Herba  1.56
L-7(E) leonurus fruit chong wei zi Leonuri Fructus 3.75
L-8(E) lesser hypericum  tian ji huang  Hyperici Japonici Herba  3.75
L-9(E) licorice in human feces  ren zhong huang  Glycyrrhizae Radix Cum Excremento Hominis Praeparatum  3.75
L-10(E) licorice root gan cao Glycyrrhizae Radix 5.63
L-11(E) light wheat grain fu xiao mai Tritici  Levis Fructus 1.88
L-12(E) ligusticum root  chuan xiong  Ligustici Rhizoma  4.06
L-13(E) ligusticum root  xi xiong  Ligustici Rhizoma  5.00
L-14(E) ligustrum fruit nu zhen zi  Ligustri Fructus  1.56
L-15(E) lily bulb  bai he  Lilii Bulbus  5.63
L-16(E) limonite  yu yu shi  limonitum  4.06
L-17(E) lindera root  wu yao  Linderae Radix  2.50
L-18(E) liquidambar fruit lu lu tong Liquidambaris Fructus 1.56
L-19(E) litchee pit li he Litchi Semen 2.50
L-20(E) Litharge  mi tuo seng  Lithargyum  2.81
L-21(E) loadstone ci shi Magnetitum 2.19
L-22(E) long pepper  bi bo  Piperis Longi Fructus  9.38
L-23(E) longan flesh gui yuan rou Longanae Arillus 14.06
L-24(E) lonicera flower jin yin hua Lonicerae Flos 8.13
L-25(E) lonicera stem and leaf  ren dong teng  lonicerae caulis et folium  1.56
L-26(E) loofah  si gua luo  Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis  5.00
L-27(E) loquat leaf  pi pa ye Eriobotryae Folium  2.50
L-28(E) lotus embryo  lian xin Nelumbinis Embryo 8.75
L-29(E) lotus fruit  tian shi lian  Nelumbinis Fructus  9.38
L-30(E) lotus fruit/seed lian zi Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen 10.00
L-31(E) lotus receptacle lian fang Nelumbinis Receptaculum 1.56
L-32(E) lotus root node  ou jie  Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus  2.50
L-33(E) lotus stamen lian xu Nelumbinis Stamen 25.00
L-34(E) lycium berry gou qi zi Lycii Fructus 8.13
L-35(E) lycium root bark di gu pi Lycii Radicis Cortex 6.25
L-36(E) lycopus  ze lan  lycopi Herba  2.50
L-37(E) lygodium spore hai jin sha Lygodii Spora 11.25
M-1(E) madder root  qian cao  Rubiae Radix  8.13
M-2(E) magnolia bark hou po Magnoliae Cortex 5.00
M-3(E) magnolia flower  xin yi hua  Magnoliae Flos  10.00
M-4(E) mahonia leaf  shi da gong lao ye  Mahoniae Folium  1.88
M-5(E) mallow seed dong kui zi Malvae Verticillatae Semen 2.19
M-6(E) mantis egg-case  sang xiao  Mantides Ootheca  43.75
M-7(E) medicated leaven  shen qu  Massa Medicata Fermeutata  0.19/one piece
M-8(E) millettia root and stem ji xue teng Milllettiae Radix et Caulis 2.19
M-9(E) mint bo he Menthae Herba 2.50
M-10(E) mistletoe ji sheng Loranthi seu Visci Ramus 3.13
M-11(E) mollissima  xun gu feng  Aristolochiae Mollissimae Rhizoma seu Herba  2.50
M-12(E) momordica seed  mu bie zi  Momordicae Semen  2.50
M-13(E) moneywort jin qian cao Jinqiancao Herba 4.38
M-14(E) morinda root  ba ji tian Morindae Radix officinalis  11.88
M-15(E) morning glory seed  qian niu zi  Pharbitidis Semen  2.81
M-16(E) mother-of-pearl  zhen zhu mu  Concha Margaritifera  2.50
M-17(E) moutan  root  bark  mu dan pi  Moutan Radicis Cortex  5.63
M-18(E) mugwort leaf  ai ye  Artemisiae Argyi Folium  1.88
M-19(E) mulberry  sang shen zi  Mori Fructus  4.38
M-20(E) mulberry leaf  sang ye  Mori Folium  2.81
M-21(E) mulberry root bark  sang pi  Mori Radicis Cortex  3.44
M-22(E) mulberry twig  sang zhi  Mori Ramulus  1.56
M-23(E) mustard seed jie zi Brassicae Junceae Semen 2.50
M-24(E) myrrh  mo yao  Myrrha  8.75

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