Your email:
Your complete name,
address and zip code so that we could transfer the herbs to you. Also
please let us know if you need dry raw herbs, or herbs in fine powder.
Need air shipping, or common speed surface post?
Please tick off every item
you need, and fill out the weight of each item. The price is in US$
per kilogram.
Kg A-1(E) abalone shell US$3.73
Kg A-2(E) acanthopanax root bark US$2.13
Kg A-3(E) achyranthes root US$3.20
Kg A-4(E) acorus root US$12.78
Kg A-5(E) actinolite US$1.86
Kg A-6(E) adenophora root US$6.39
Kg A-7(E) agastache/patchouli US$3.73
Kg A-8(E) agkistrodon US$239.71
Kg A-9(E) agrimony US$1.33
Kg A-10(E) air potato US$2.66
Kg A-11(E) aleppo gall US$6.39
Kg A-12(E) alisma tuber US$2.66
Kg A-13(E) aloe US$15.45
Kg A-14(E) alum US$0.80
Kg A-15(E) amber US$3.46
Kg A-16(E) american ginseng US$329.00
Kg A-17(E) american ginseng (5g/piece) US$218.40
Kg A-18(E) amethyst/fluorite US$2.66
Kg A-19(E) amomum fruit US$15.45
Kg A-20(E) ampelopsis root US$4.79
Kg A-21(E) andrographis US$2.13
Kg A-22(E) anemarrhena root US$4.26
Kg A-23(E) angelica root US$2.13
Kg A-24(E) anomalous artemisia US$2.13
Kg A-25(E) aquilaria leaven US$146.49
Kg A-26(E) arctium seed US$5.33
Kg A-27(E) areca husk US$3.46
Kg A-28(E) areca nut US$5.59
Kg A-29(E) arisaema root US$5.86
Kg A-30(E) aristolochia fruit US$4.53
Kg A-31(E) aristolochia root; vladimiria root US$6.39
Kg A-32(E) ark shell US$1.60
Kg A-33(E) asafetida US$47.94
Kg A-34(E) ash bark US$1.86
Kg A-35(E) asparagus tuber US$5.06
Kg A-36(E) aspidium US$1.86
Kg A-37(E) ass hide glue US$39.95
Kg A-38(E) ass hide glue pellets US$34.62
Kg A-39(E) aster root US$3.20
Kg A-40(E) astragalus root US$6.39
Kg A-41(E) astragalus root US$4.26
Kg A-42(E) atractylodes root US$3.73
Kg B-1(E) baijiang US$2.13
Kg B-2(E) baiwei cynanchum root US$3.20
Kg B-3(E) bamboo leaf US$2.13
Kg B-4(E) bamboo shavings US$2.40
Kg B-5(E) barley sprout US$1.60
Kg B-6(E) bat's droppings US$3.46
Kg B-7(E) belamcandae root US$2.66
Kg B-8(E) benzoin US$31.96
Kg B-9(E) bile-processed arisaema root US$9.59
Kg B-10(E) biota seed US$6.39
Kg B-11(E) biota leaf US$2.13
Kg B-12(E) bitter apricot kernel US$6.39
Kg B-13(E) bitter Cardamon US$13.32
Kg B-14(E) bitter orange US$2.66
Kg B-15(E) black Plum US$2.66
Kg B-16(E) black sesame seed US$5.86
Kg B-17(E) black sliced aconite accessory tuber US$6.39
Kg B-18(E) black-striped snake US$38.62
Kg B-19(E) blast-fried ginger US$3.73
Kg B-20(E) bletilla tuber US$7.46
Kg B-21(E) bolbostemma tuber US$6.92
Kg B-22(E) borax US$3.20
Kg B-23(E) borneol US$22.64
Kg B-24(E) brucea fruit US$6.39
Kg B-25(E) buddha's hand US$7.46
Kg B-26(E) buddleia flower US$5.86
Kg B-27(E) bupleurum root US$15.45
Kg B-28(E) bush cherry kernel US$9.32
Kg B-29(E) bushy knotweed root US$1.33
Kg B-30(E) bushy sphora root US$2.66
Kg C-1(E) calcined alum US$2.40
Kg C-2(E) camphor US$10.65
Kg C-3(E) caper spurge seed US$47.94
Kg C-4(E) capillaris US$2.13
Kg C-5(E) cardamom US$10.12
Kg C-6(E) carpesium seed US$3.20
Kg C-7(E) carthamus flower US$17.31
Kg C-8(E) cat's claw buttercup root US$12.78
Kg C-9(E) celosia seed US$2.66
Kg C-10(E) centipeda US$3.20
Kg C-11(E) centipede US$74.58/one piece
Kg C-12(E) cepharantha tuber; dioscorea root US$1.60
Kg C-13(E) cercis bark US$4.00
Kg C-14(E) chaenomeles fruit US$3.73
Kg C-15(E) changium root US$4.00
Kg C-16(E) charred hair US$7.46
Kg C-17(E) chebule ke zi Chebulae Fructus US$5.59
Kg C-18(E) cherokee rose fruit US$3.20
Kg C-19(E) chinaberry root bark US$2.66
Kg C-20(E) chinese chive bulb US$3.73
Kg C-21(E) chinese leek seed US$3.20
Kg C-22(E) chinese Lobelia US$3.20
Kg C-23(E) chinese olive US$6.39
Kg C-24(E) chlorite/mica schist US$2.66
Kg C-25(E) cibotium root US$1.60
Kg C-26(E) cicada molting US$14.38
Kg C-27(E) cimicifuga root US$5.06
Kg C-28(E) cinnabar US$19.98
Kg C-29(E) cinnabar US$32.68
Kg C-30(E) cinnamom twig US$1.33
Kg C-31(E) cirsium US$4.26
Kg C-32(E) cistanche Desertliving US$19.98
Kg C-33(E) clamshell powder US$1.60
Kg C-34(E) clematis root US$3.20
Kg C-35(E) clove US$12.78
Kg C-36(E) clove fruit US$9.59
Kg C-37(E) cnidium seed US$4.79
Kg C-38(E) codonopsis root US$4.79
Kg C-39(E) coix seed US$2.13
Kg C-40(E) complanate astragalus seed US$6.13
Kg C-41(E) cooked rehmannia root US$3.20
Kg C-42(E) coptis root US$58.60
Kg C-43(E) cordyceps US$7360.00
Kg C-44(E) coriander seed US$2.13
Kg C-45(E) cornus fruit US$11.19
Kg C-46(E) corydalis tuber US$7.46
Kg C-47(E) cranesbill US$1.33
Kg C-48(E) crataegus fruit US$1.60
Kg C-49(E) croton seed US$2.66
Kg C-50(E) curculigo rhizome US$9.85
Kg C-51(E) curcuma tuber US$2.66
Kg C-52(E) cuscuta seed US$4.79
Kg C-53(E) cutch US$10.92
Kg C-54(E) cuttlefish bone US$5.86
Kg C-55(E) cyathula root US$3.20
Kg C-56(E) cynanchum root US$4.79
Kg C-57(E) cynomorium stem US$2.66
Kg C-58(E) cyperus root US$3.20
Kg D-1(E) dalbergia wood US$5.59
Kg D-2(E) dandelion US$2.93
Kg D-3(E) datura flower US$0.00
Kg D-4(E) deerhorn US$37.29
Kg D-5(E) deerhorn glue US$37.29
Kg D-6(E) deer's sinew US$186.44
Kg D-7(E) degelatinated deer antler US$27.97
Kg D-8(E) dendrobium stem US$11.72
Kg D-9(E) dianthus US$1.60
Kg D-10(E) dichroa root US$2.13
Kg D-11(E) dictamnus root bark US$5.86
Kg D-12(E) dioscorea root US$4.26
Kg D-13(E) dioscorea root US$4.26
Kg D-14(E) dipsacus root US$2.66
Kg D-15(E) dragon bone US$1.86
Kg D-16(E) dragon tooth US$11.99
Kg D-17(E) dragon's blood US$39.95
Kg D-18(E) dried ginger US$3.46
Kg D-19(E) dried/fresh rehmannia root US$2.66
Kg D-20(E) drynaria root US$1.86
Kg D-21(E) duhuo angelica root US$2.13
Kg E-1(E) earthworm US$14.38
Kg E-2(E) eclipta US$1.86
Kg E-3(E) elsholtzia US$2.93
Kg E-4(E) ephedra US$4.26
Kg E-5(E) ephedra root US$6.40
Kg E-6(E) epimedium US$2.13
Kg E-7(E) equisetum US$1.60
Kg E-8(E) eriocaulon scape and flower US$2.13
Kg E-9(E) erycibes US$1.60
Kg E-10(E) erythrina bark US$1.60
Kg E-11(E) eucommia bark US$3.46
Kg E-12(E) eupatorium US$3.20
Kg E-13(E) evodia fruit US$15.18
Kg F-1(E) fangji root US$6.39
Kg F-2(E) fennel fruit US$3.73
Kg F-3(E) fenugreek seed US$2.40
Kg F-4(E) fetid cassia seed US$1.86
Kg F-5(E) fibrous ginseng root US$22.64
Kg F-6(E) Finet's clematis US$1.33
Kg F-7(E) fish poison yam US$1.60
Kg F-8(E) flavescent sophora root US$1.60
Kg F-9(E) flax seed US$2.66
Kg F-10(E) flowery knotweed root US$3.73
Kg F-11(E) flowery knotweed stem US$2.66
Kg F-12(E) flying squirrel's droppings US$4.53
Kg F-13(E) forsythia fruit US$7.46
Kg F-14(E) fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome
Kg F-15(E) frankincense US$6.39
Kg F-16(E) fritillaria bulb US$253.03
Kg F-17(E) fritillaria bulb US$90.56
Kg G-1(E) galangal fruit US$5.33
Kg G-2(E) galangal root; lesser galangal root US$5.06
Kg G-3(E) ganoderma US$12.52
Kg G-4(E) garden balsam seed US$5.86
Kg G-5(E) gardenia fruit US$4.00
Kg G-6(E) gastrodia tuber US$18.64
Kg G-7(E) gastrodia tuber US$15.98
Kg G-8(E) gecko US$4.53/one piece
Kg G-9(E) gentian root US$10.12
Kg G-10(E) giant typhonium tuber US$5.86
Kg G-11(E) ginger skin US$2.40
Kg G-12(E) ginkgo nut US$11.19
Kg G-13(E) gizzard lining US$3.20
Kg G-14(E) glauberite US$1.86
Kg G-15(E) gleditsia fruit US$3.73
Kg G-16(E) gleditsia thorn US$9.32
Kg G-17(E) glehnia root US$5.86
Kg G-18(E) gordon Euryale seed US$9.59
Kg G-19(E) ground pine US$1.33
Kg H-1(E) halite US$1.33
Kg H-2(E) hare's droppings US$2.13
Kg H-3(E) hawksbill turtle shell US$213.08
Kg H-4(E) hedgehog's pelt US$101.21
Kg H-5(E) hedyotis US$4.53
Kg H-6(E) hematite(haematitum) US$1.86
Kg H-7(E) hemp seed US$2.40
Kg H-8(E) henbane seed US$9.32
Kg H-9(E) homa lomena root US$2.66
Kg H-10(E) honey tree fruit US$4.00
Kg H-11(E) hornet's nest US$26.63
Kg H-12(E) houttuynia US$1.86
Kg H-13(E) huazhou pomelo rind US$3.73
Kg H-14(E) hydnocarpus seed US$11.19
Kg I-1(E) imperata root US$1.86
Kg I-2(E) impure mirabilite US$0.80
Kg I-3(E) indigo US$9.59
Kg I-4(E) inula flower US$3.20
Kg I-5(E) iron pyrite US$1.86
Kg I-6(E) isatis leaf US$2.13
Kg I-7(E) isatis root US$3.73
Kg J-1(E) Japanese ardisia stem and leaf US$1.60
Kg J-2(E) Japanese ginseng leaf US$4.00
Kg J-3(E) jujube US$1.86
Kg J-4(E) juncus pith US$22.64
Kg K-1(E) kadsura pepper stem US$2.13
Kg K-2(E) kaempferia root US$6.92
Kg K-3(E) kansui root US$25.30
Kg K-4(E) kaolin US$1.86
Kg K-5(E) katsumada's galangal seed US$3.73
Kg K-6(E) kelp US$4.00
Kg K-7(E) knotgrass US$2.13
Kg K-8(E) knotty pine wood US$2.66
Kg K-9(E) knoxia root US$29.30
Kg K-10(E) kochia fruit US$1.60
Kg K-11(E) korean ginseng root US$142.37
Kg L-1(E) lablab bean US$2.66
Kg L-2(E) lanceolate stellaria root US$18.11
Kg L-3(E) large gentian root US$11.99
Kg L-4(E) ledebouriella US$15.45
Kg L-5(E) leech US$69.25
Kg L-6(E) leonurus US$1.33
Kg L-7(E) leonurus fruit US$3.20
Kg L-8(E) lesser hypericum US$2.40
Kg L-9(E) licorice in human feces US$3.20
Kg L-10(E) licorice root US$4.26
Kg L-11(E) light wheat grain US$1.60
Kg L-12(E) ligusticum root US$3.46
Kg L-13(E) ligusticum root US$4.26
Kg L-14(E) ligustrum fruit US$1.33
Kg L-15(E) lily bulb US$2.40
Kg L-16(E) limonite US$3.46
Kg L-17(E) lindera root US$2.13
Kg L-18(E) liquidambar fruit US$1.33
Kg L-19(E) litchee pit US$2.13
Kg L-20(E) litharge US$2.40
Kg L-21(E) loadstone US$1.86
Kg L-22(E) long pepper US$7.99
Kg L-23(E) longan flesh US$11.99
Kg L-24(E) lonicera flower US$6.92
Kg L-25(E) lonicera stem and leaf US$1.33
Kg L-26(E) loofah US$4.26
Kg L-27(E) loquat leaf US$2.13
Kg L-28(E) lotus embryo US$7.46
Kg L-29(E) lotus fruit US$7.99
Kg L-30(E) lotus fruit/seed - US$6.92
Kg L-31(E) lotus receptacle US$1.33
Kg L-32(E) lotus root node US$2.13
Kg L-33(E) lotus stamen US$12.78
Kg L-34(E) lycium berry US$5.33
Kg L-35(E) lycium root bark US$4.26
Kg L-36(E) lycopus US$2.13
Kg L-37(E) lygodium spore US$9.59
Kg M-1(E) madder root US$5.86
Kg M-2(E) magnolia bark US$4.26
Kg M-3(E) magnolia flower US$8.52
Kg M-4(E) mahonia leaf US$1.60
Kg M-5(E) mallow seed US$1.86
Kg M-6(E) mantis egg-case US$18.11
Kg M-7(E) medicated leaven US$0.19/one slice
Kg M-8(E) millettia root and stem US$1.86
Kg M-9(E) mint US$2.13
Kg M-10(E) mistletoe US$2.66
Kg M-11(E) mollissima US$2.13
Kg M-12(E) momordica seed US$2.13
Kg M-13(E) moneywort US$2.66
Kg M-14(E) morinda root US$10.12
Kg M-15(E) morning glory seed US$2.40
Kg M-16(E) mother-of-pearl US$2.13
Kg M-17(E) moutan root bark US$4.26
Kg M-18(E) mugwort leaf US$1.60
Kg M-19(E) mulberry US$3.73
Kg M-20(E) mulberry leaf US$2.40
Kg M-21(E) mulberry root bark US$2.93
Kg M-22(E) mulberry twig US$1.33
Kg M-23(E) mustard seed US$2.13
Kg M-24(E) myrrh US$7.46
Kg N-1(E) nardostachys root US$4.79
Kg N-2(E) northern asarum US$19.98
Kg N-3(E) notoginseng root US$25.30
Kg N-4(E) notopterygium root US$11.99
Kg N-5(E) nutmeg US$22.91
Kg O-1(E) oak bark US$63.92
Kg O-2(E) ophicalcite US$1.86
Kg O-3(E) ophiopogon tuber US$6.66
Kg O-4(E) orient vine US$1.86
Kg O-5(E) oroxylum seed US$6.66
Kg O-6(E) ovate atractylodes root US$6.39
Kg P-1(E) pangolin scales US$234.38
Kg P-2(E) paper mulberry fruit US$3.20
Kg P-3(E) paris root US$2.13
Kg P-4(E) peach kernel US$13.85
Kg P-5(E) perilla fruit US$3.20
Kg P-6(E) perilla leaf US$2.13
Kg P-7(E) perilla stem US$2.13
Kg P-8(E) persimmon calyx US$3.46
Kg P-9(E) peucedanum root US$4.26
Kg P-10(E) phellodendron bark US$3.20
Kg P-11(E) photinia stem US$2.13
Kg P-12(E) phragmites root US$2.40
Kg P-13(E) picrorhiza root US$19.98
Kg P-14(E) pinellia US$13.85
Kg P-15(E) pipe-fish US$697.00
Kg P-16(E) placenta Dried Human US$101.21
Kg P-17(E) plantago seed US$3.20
Kg P-18(E) platycodon root US$7.46
Kg P-19(E) polygala root US$12.78
Kg P-20(E) polygonatum root US$3.73
Kg P-21(E) polyporus US$22.64
Kg P-22(E) pomegranate rind US$2.13
Kg P-23(E) Poria US$4.79
Kg P-24(E) poria skin US$1.07
Kg P-25(E) prayer-beads US$4.79
Kg P-26(E) prepared aconite main tuber US$5.06
Kg P-27(E) prepared pinellia tuber US$13.85
Kg P-28(E) prepared wild aconite tuber US$5.06
Kg P-29(E) processed urine deposit US$2.66
Kg P-30(E) prunella spike US$3.20
Kg P-31(E) pseudostellaria root US$9.32
Kg P-32(E) psoralea seed US$2.13
Kg P-33(E) puccoon US$12.25
Kg P-34(E) pueraria flower US$4.79
Kg P-35(E) pueraria root US$1.86
Kg P-36(E) pueraria root US$2.66
Kg P-37(E) puffball US$12.52
Kg P-38(E) pulsatilla root US$4.26
Kg P-39(E) pumice US$2.66
Kg P-40(E) pyrrosia leaf US$1.86
Kg Q-1(E) quilled cinnamon bark US$2.13
Kg Q-2(E) quisqualis fruit US$9.32
Kg R-1(E) radde's anemone root US$4.00
Kg R-2(E) radish seed US$2.40
Kg R-3(E) red ginseng US$33.29
Kg R-4(E) red Halloysite US$1.86
Kg R-5(E) red peony root US$3.73
Kg R-6(E) refined mirabilite US$1.60
Kg R-7(E) rhaponticum/echinops root US$2.66
Kg R-8(E) rhubarb US$3.20
Kg R-9(E) rice bean US$3.73
Kg R-10(E) rice sprout US$1.60
Kg R-11(E) rice-paper plant pith US$10.39
Kg R-12(E) root poria ------ fu shen US$4.79
Kg R-13(E) rose-of-Sharon root bark US$6.66
Kg R-14(E) rubus berry US$6.39
Kg S-1(E) salvia root US$3.20
Kg S-2(E) sandalwood US$71.91
Kg S-3(E) sanguisorba root US$2.40
Kg S-4(E) sappan wood US$3.73
Kg S-5(E) sargassum US$4.26
Kg S-6(E) schisandra Fruit US$6.66
Kg S-7(E) schizonepeta US$3.73
Kg S-8(E) scorpion US$127.85
Kg S-9(E) screwworm US$15.98
Kg S-10(E) scrophularia root US$2.13
Kg S-11(E) scutellaria root US$8.52
Kg S-12(E) sea horse US$314.76
Kg S-13(E) seal's genitals US$74.58/one piece
Kg S-14(E) senna leaf US$4.79
Kg S-15(E) shancigu bulb US$13.85
Kg S-16(E) sichuan fritillaria bulb US$79.90
Kg S-17(E) sichuan fritillaria bulb
Kg S-18(E) sichuan saussurea root US$3.73
Kg S-19(E) siegesbeckia US$2.13
Kg S-20(E) silk tree bark US$2.13
Kg S-21(E) silkworm US$11.99
Kg S-22(E) silkworm droppings US$1.33
Kg S-23(E) small gleditsia fruit US$9.06
Kg S-24(E) smithsonite US$2.66
Kg S-25(E) smooth greenbrier root US$2.40
Kg S-26(E) snake slough US$15.98
Kg S-27(E) sophora flower US$8.26
Kg S-28(E) sophora flower bud US$7.46
Kg S-29(E) sophora fruit US$1.86
Kg S-30(E) sparganium root US$3.73
Kg S-31(E) speranskia/balsam US$3.73
Kg S-32(E) spiny jujube kernel US$12.78
Kg S-33(E) stalactite US$1.86
Kg S-34(E) star anise US$5.33
Kg S-35(E) star jasmine stem US$1.86
Kg S-36(E) stemona root US$3.20
Kg S-37(E) sterculia US$6.66
Kg S-38(E) stinkbug US$26.10
Kg S-39(E) string-of-cash US$
Kg S-40(E) sumac Gallnut US$4.00
Kg S-41(E) sweet wormwood US$1.60
Kg T-1(E) tabanus US$186.44
Kg T-2(E) talcum US$0.80
Kg T-3(E) tamarisk twig and leaf US$3.73
Kg T-4(E) tangerine peel US$1.07
Kg T-5(E) tangerine pip US$4.00
Kg T-6(E) tangerine pith US$26.10
Kg T-7(E) tangkuei US$3.46
Kg T-8(E) tingli seed US$3.46
Kg T-9(E) tinospora tuber US$6.39
Kg T-10(E) toona root Bark US$3.20
Kg T-11(E) toosendan fruit US$1.60
Kg T-12(E) torreya nut US$3.20
Kg T-13(E) tortoise plastron US$90.56
Kg T-14(E) tortoise plastron glue US$42.62
Kg T-15(E) tribulus fruit US$2.40
Kg T-16(E) trichosanthes fruit US$6.92
Kg T-17(E) trichosanthes rind US$6.39
Kg T-18(E) trichosanthes root US$4.79
Kg T-19(E) trichosanthes seed US$6.39
Kg T-20(E) tsaoko fruit US$31.96
Kg T-21(E) turmeric US$2.93
Kg T-22(E) turtle shell US$19.98
Kg T-23(E) tussilago flower US$12.25
Kg T-24(E) typha pollen US$6.92
Kg U-1(E) uncaria stem and thorn US$3.73
Kg U-2(E) unripe bitter orange US$2.40
Kg U-3(E) unripe tangerine peel US$2.66
Kg U-4(E) urine sediment US$4.79
Kg V-1(E) vaccaria seed US$2.40
Kg V-2(E) veratrum root US$5.86
Kg V-3(E) vermilion US$34.62
Kg V-4(E) violet US$2.13
Kg V-5(E) vitex fruit US$5.86
Kg W-1(E) water buffalo horn US$4.00
Kg W-2(E) wax gourd rind US$2.66
Kg W-3(E) wax gourd seed US$0.00
Kg W-4(E) white chrysanthemum flower US$5.33
Kg W-5(E) white ginseng US$36.76
Kg W-6(E) white peony root US$1.86
Kg W-7(E) white pepper US$10.39
Kg W-8(E) whole unripe tangerine US$2.66
Kg W-9(E) wingless cockroach US$13.85
Kg X-1(E) xanthium fruit US$1.33
Kg Y-1(E) yellow azalea flower US$17.31
Kg Y-2(E) yunnan saussurea root US$2.13
Kg Z-1(E) zanthoxylum husk US$10.12
Kg Z-2(E) zedoary US$3.20
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telling us your order. We will report the herbal fee and shipping fee to
you soon.