Skype Account: tcmtreatment03

Dear Dr Ming,
Many thanks for the herbs received Saturday. We would like to
inform you that the quality of your herbs is perfect, so we are
very content.
Again many thanks for the privilege of doing business with you.
Jan Malysz
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: Re:
Dear Ming,
Thanks so much for your kind email.
I have felt very well today. I have no pain. I think the herbal
tea to affect me positive.
I feel to get better. I am happy. Raynauld's sendrom is made
only my fingers pale and cool when cold stimulus. Ýs
there to be important?
I want to order 20 days dosaj. Do you make any discount?
I dont fill form my mother and my father. Because the page is
open and then to be dark.
Why to be dark?
Happy days,
(check the details here)
Dr. Ming:
I am feeling better; the prostate symptoms are less. I
understand that I had such a condition for about
11 to 12 years, and can not cure or heal in a short time. I am
keeping the
in reserve... if I need.
For now, all is OK.
Will contact TCM about April/May for a tune-up.
Thank you,
Vernon Shabunia
Miss D from Bulgaria, suffering from MS
(multiple sclerosis) for seven years with coughing, back pains,
difficult walking, recovers 80% after 80 days treatment in our
hospital. (Check the details here)
Dear DR
Good Morning
4th day baby feeling alot better, he does not have temperature
and is alot alert.
Has a new blister on foot, the water in the blister is not water
but has a white substunce.
He does be sick but not the medication.
5th day my baby feeling better looking around has not got any
new today.
6th day still feeling good no temperature taking medication very
well another blister under arm and his belly button is still
very sore and is still does look like a belly button, but just
like a sore round poped up kind of a spot. His feet and nail
bends are very sore because i still have to put bandages on
them. passed stool but after passing stool passed a bit of blood
it could be from the blister inside or blisters which are still
in the nappy are very sore.
7th day very alert no temperature making sounds like baba mama
which he has not said before very happy all family, new blister
in nappy area but i do not need to pop because they pop by
themselves before a use a sterle needle to pop them. New blister
on face.
8th day baby feeling smiling and making sounds which is
brillient for the family has another blister on face and under
the chin. Baby sleeping more does baby have to sleep more or
9th day baby feeling good and baby had old blisters near neck
have dried and have a top layer of dryness on the skin. The
blisters on the skin the old ones are still very sore. Still
baby have now nails growing. Still after food has been sick.
10th day feeling good no temperature have not used any pain
medication good still have new blisters behind ears but ears are
a lot better since baby taking herbal tea.
Dr what could i do more to help you?, and please could you send
more medication because it will take two weeks to reaches us
and i wish my baby continue with this medication. THANK-YOU for
your kind support .
mum Nagena
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Incoming order processed Order
Number 2274635062 Vendor 75583
HELLO, Thank-you so much for your reply it helps me and my
famliy so much.
DR 15th day he has been very good condition meaning that he has
only blisters and they seem to like burn when it drys like
heeling by themselves.Ihave not used an creams or given any
medication so far .
16th day he does always look tyed, but he is very well has been
sick couple of times during the day. That is why his stool was
green colour.
17th day looking alot alert and feeding ok. I have today touched
his inside mouth on the gums i have felt a tooth small one i am
happy because the dr's here said that he will not have any tooth
at all. I do not believe in the dr's in this country.
18th day very
alert and happy he has never been this happy and cheerful, so
thank you for your help.
19th day tyed and has been sick acouple of times look like a bit
of temperature may be due to tooth.
today is the last day for the tea Dr what do i need to see when
he is finished ? what improvenment do i need to see? and also DR
what kind of food do i need to give to my baby for more
DR i am planing to go to pakistan for 4 to 5 weeks what do i
need to do and what if i run out of medcation please tell me
what to do, will it be safe for him to travel.
(check the details here)
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