I-Ching Acupuncture
Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousand of years. As
practitioners of acupuncture we are continually amazed by the effect
that is achieved by needling few points on the entire being of man. 22
years ago as a student of computers I was exposed to the binary system
and than I realized that the basic concept of vibration and energy flow
is in the idea of impulse which made by the conjunction of two
opposites. The meeting point of these creates a new beginning of
vibration which duplicates itself again and again all the time but
manifest in different way according to the existence that it meets,
which changes together with the change of its surrounding all the time.
Chinese Medicine covers the complete spectrum of existence by having
answers to all level of the phenomena of life. Herbalogy and diet are
both working via the inner physical aspect of man, Twina and Manuel
techniques are working via the outer physical body, Tai ¨C Chi and Chi ¨C
Kong are exercises which are working on the inner function of the Zang-Fu
and the circulation of Chi, Acupuncture is the highest level of
energetic medicine which works on the total balance of the three aspects
of man: Heaven-Man-Earth, Spirit-Body-Mind.
As a
student of Acupuncture in the beginning of the 80¡¯s I always wanted to
understand how acupuncture works. After more than 20 years of work as
practitioner, lecturer, advisor, researcher and academic dean in
different institutes I can surly claim that the beginning of the whole
concept of acupuncture lie on the I-Ching.
basic concept of the I-Ching goes back to the energy fields which made
by the interaction of different forms of vibration which basically
categorized as positive and negative or in our terms Yin-Yang. The I-ching
relies that every phenomena is based on a pre condition and that is why
we have the two arrangements of Trigrams: Fu-Shi, the pre heaven or so
called the precondition and the King-Wen, the post heaven or so called
new condition. Knowing that the basic construction of a trigram is three
lines which can be open (Yin ) or closed ( Yang ) __ __ / ____ and the
lines are arranged in a tower like (top/middle/lower) which represent
the concept of Heaven, Earth and Man or Heaven, Man and Earth we
understand that the eight different trigrams represent the interaction
of Yin and Yang expression in every thing between Heaven and Earth.
We can
understand that each trigram creates a different energy field by the
vibration wave which radiates from its nuclear that expresses the
interchange of yin and yang in every individual trigram.
studying in depth the foundation of Chinese Medicine that include: The 5
elements, The Stems and Branches, Deep energy aspects of each organ, The
Six division, Pulse diagnosis, The Eight Extra Meridians and more I came
to the conclusion that understanding the relation between
triagrams-organs-5elements corresponds- deep energy and climate of each
energy is the key to introduce the change that we as practitioners of
Acupuncture would like to do.
example kidney
kidney |
Organ |
water |
5 elements |
Metal |
Deep Energy |
Heat |
climate |
Shao Yin |
6 division |
Kun (3 Yin ) |
Trigram |
North |
Direction |
Ren Mai |
Eight Extra Mai |
this information we can explain all phenomena¡¯s that belongs to the
action of the Kidney organ and the action of the points of the Kidney
7 is the Metal point of Kidney Metal is concentration of Chi, the Chi of
Kidney is the original chi of Man so Kid-7 is a concentration point of
Yin as essence and Yang as energy, more we know that The Kidney has
Metal deep energy which form a more condensation and more concentration
basic energies, more so is that the basic energy of man belong to the
lowest point in the trunk at the point REN-1 which from there the Yin
and Yang originate, the Ren mai correspond to the trigram Kun which also
correspond to the Kidney.
make that short we say that Kid-7 is the best point to tonifies the yin
and Yang in the body.
Another way to use the Trigrams in our practice is to form the trigram
structure by selecting 3 points one at the top of the body one at the
middle part of the body and one at the lower part of the body. Example:
For tonifying the Kidney we can select SP-6, REN-6 and KID-27 these
points are all Yin point in the Heavenly part of the body, the Earthly
part of the body and at Man part of the body. Using these points we
construct the trigram KUN which corresponds to the Kidney and to Ren mai.
Roni Sapir
Academic Dean
School of Chinese Medicine
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