TCM School China

Greetings to Our International Students





Specialty Committee for the Treatment of Tumors

The use of Acupuncture and Modern Techniques

In treating Tumor



Roni Sapir

Academic Dean of East West School of Classic Chinese Medicine.

President of the Israeli Association of Classic Chinese Medicine Practitioners


 Cancer facts

         No.1 killer in the West

         Considered as epidemic

         Usually diagnosed too late

         Can be defined

         Unknown etiology

         Can be treated but seldom cured

         Treatments harm the body systems


Types of Treatments



         Nutrition and Nutritional supplements

         Chinese Medicine 每 Acupuncture, Materia Medica, Diet and Chi-Kong

         Combination of all or part of the above

         Other Methods such as Oxygen, Electromagnetism and heat therapy


Tumor Characteristics

         Uncontrolled Cell Growth

         Low ph 每 Cancer cell is more Acidic (less than 7.35 ph.)

         Cancer cell voltage is less than 40 millivolts in advanced stages, compared to 70-90 in healthy cells.

         Cancer cell oxygen is less than 60.

         Oxygen can not enter the cancer cell

         Oxygen level in the blood of cancer patients is around 75-85 in advanced stages compared to 98.

Treatment disadvantages


Systemic, Non specific, Subdues the immune system, Lowering white blood cells, Lowering red blood cells, lowering hemoglobin, poisoning the body, lowering oxygen level in the blood, subdues bone marrow, Causes extreme fatigue, Loss of hair, Sickness, Diarrhea, Constipation and lowering of vitality and hope.

Kills good cells as well as cancer cells; there is no control on the amount and level of destruction of cancer cells,

Statistically 5-10% does not survive the treatment.


Lowering of bone marrow causes low red and white blood cells, Tiredness and Fatigue, confusion, loss of appetite, Heat and burning sensation.

Works on a wide area and has a bad effect on good healthy cells.

Has a bad effect on the nervous system and on the reproductive system

Statistically 5-10% does not survive the treatment.


Nutrition and Nutritional supplements

  • Nutrition: Difficult to take in and to absorb
  • Supplements: Costly and not proven to have beneficial properties.

            Works on the whole body, but does not affect the tumor directly.


Chinese Medicine

         Acupuncture- Energetic Medicine can cause metastasis.

         Chinese Materia Medica 每 Can boost the body but can not penetrate the tumor

         Chi-Kong 每 Difficult to practice and can make the patient tired in the beginning


Treatments Advantages

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Are the only treatments beside operations used by conventional medicine.

These methods are helpful on some types of tumors but even so these methods do not cure cancer.

         Psychologically it gives the patient hope and feeling that he gets the most advanced medicine.

Nutrition and Nutritional supplements

         Nutrition 每 Boosts the body, important for survival, important balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for maintaining good level of energy and Immune system.

         Supplements 每 Same as above, some can penetrate the cancer cell and raise P.H level to kill the cancer cell

           Chinese Medicine


Activates circulation of Chi and Blood, Releases stagnation and controls pain, Invigorates the immune system by boosting the formation of white blood cells, enhances the body*s energy by raising red blood cells and the hemoglobin level, Increases the oxygen blood level, Balances the whole Body, Tones the Zang 每 Fu, Balances yin-yang, cold-hot, deficiency-excess and interior-exterior

Chinese Materia Medica

Toning Chi and Blood, boosting the chi level of specific organs, eliminating poisons from the body, Maintaining and treating the body between and in conjunction with acupuncture and other methods of treatments, supporting digestion and bowl movements, rebuilding body substances. 


Activates the body, moves chi-blood and body fluids, Increases oxygen level for more vitality and general energy. Strengthens the whole body and keeps good tension of the body.


General Ideas and thoughts in the use of Chinese Medicine

         Cancer Tumor is differentiated into two groups:

       1. Damp and Cold / Cold Damp

       2. Damp and Heat / hot Damp

         It is important to diagnosed the original cause which can be the Damp or can be the Cold.

         In pathology coldness can cause dampness and dampness can cause heat.

When we treat a patient having conventional treatments we have to take into account the influences and the side effects that the treatment is having on the patient in Chinese Medicine terminology.

         For example a patient with damp cold or cold damp who is having radiotherapy can present heat symptoms because of the heat nature of the treatments. Of course it is false heat and should we cool the patient we will do his pathology more harm than good.



Chinese Medicine Etiology

         The most accurate diagnosis that can be done is according to the patient*s date of birth (Tian Gan Di Zi). This ancient method is the only one that goes back to the patient*s birth energy balance and imbalance. All the experiences of life from this point of interaction with heaven and earth energies only make the imbalance bigger or smaller. It is a must to analyze the patient according to this method before starting treatment of the patient.


         A patient born in the 1st half of 1979. his stem is Spleen in Earth which gives a tendency to dampness in the body, his branch is Small intestine which deals with absorbing post natal chi, his climatic influence is Tai-Yin which increases the level of dampness in the body. This patient has a born tendency to form dampness in the body, so the method of treatment will be more Acupuncture to activate circulation of chi, to transform damp and to raise chi by chi-kong. The treatment will vary if the stagnation causes heat or if cold is present in the body.


Combination of Treatments and points to consider

         99% of our patients are having a combined conventional and Chinese treatment.

         This fact puts us in a difficult position as we have to take into account the disadvantages and the bad influences of conventional medicine.

         When translating these influences into Chinese Medicine Terminology we deal with almost every disharmony that exists from the deepest level of Jing that is being diminished by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy up to the level of Tai-Yang exterior energy that cannot resist any abnormal changes and the interaction with external influences. As a result of that the 8 extra channels are not functioning properly and this influences the whole Zang-Fu system


The Treatment

         For treating a cancer patient we must look at the whole picture and take into account all the details that I have referred to in this very short presentation.

         From my point of view Chinese Medicine is a must for every cancer patient as it is the only medicine known to me to be able to maintain and to reinforce the patient self healing and to bring cure and health.

         When we come to build the principle, strategy and the detailed protocol for each patient we have to look back to the nature of a typical tumor.



Understanding the Tumor and the Way of Thinking


1.      Helping the patient survive the conventional treatment and eliminating pain:

         Acupuncture Points as:

St-36 (zusanli)- Earth point, Sea of nourishment, balancing the nervous system, boosting the immune system, controlling pain and toning the Chi

Sp-10 (xuehai)- Sea of blood, building blood and yin, boosting renewal of red blood cellsw, activating circulation of blood and chi.

Kid-9  (zhubin) 每 Point of yin wei mai, affects yuan chi, working on the kidney chi.

T.H-9 (sidu)- toning the spleen, gathering the chi from four directions to retransform it in the spleen and transport it throughout the body. Boost the Whole body chi. 


2.     Cancer cell voltage is less than 40 millivolts

         A normal cell has around 90 millivolts, so we see that the cancer cell doesn't have enough voltage to generate energy. With Special methods we have to increase the voltage in the cancer cell:

         Magnetic acupuncture needles in the area of the tumor as much as possible, Heat pads or an electromagnetic lamp which together activates chi in the cell.


3.    Raising Oxygen level

         As we saw earlier the blood oxygen level in a cancer patient is very low. Oxygen is vital for maintaining life and for the healing process of the patient.

For quick increase of oxygen we can inhale pure oxygen 每 that gives an immediate boost of energy and/or doing Chi-Kong or any form of exercise everyday for 40 minutes in open space. (by the sea is recommended as the level of oxygen is higher)


4.    P.H balance

         As we saw the Tumor can survive only in a very acidic environment ( less than 7.35 P.H). In a more alkaline environment the cancer cell dies and the tumor dissolves, so we need to penetrate the cancer cell membrane to change its P.h to the level of 7.8 P.h. When we succeed in doing this oxygen and other killing agents will be able to get into the cell and destroy it.



The end and its challenge

         I hope that I succeeded in bringing you some of my thoughts and my research work in the field for the last 10 years.

         I hope that we will be able to take these ideas further and bring health to so many people around the world.

         I am sure that by joining together all the world experts of Chinese Medicine we will be able to find the penetrating agent for a better healthier world.

Thank you

         Thanks to the organizers of this meeting.

         Thanks to the World Federation of T.C.M Societies

         Thanks to all the participants that came from all over to join this humanitarian act.


Academic Dean of the East West School of Classic Chinese Medicine.

President of The Israeli Association of Classic Chinese Medicine Practitioners
