TCM China:  

Some International Emails to Our Doctors









Dear. To be honest I wanted to write you these days, also. Now a few words about the things I noticed while taking the . Thanks to this tea, I had to bring my , because I have to wake up early in the morning. The tea makes me sleep very , almost like a baby. I also dream a lot, and of my dreams are positive, alike for an example, I dream that running, and when I wake up, I feel like I could really do that. I am telling you this, because I think that is very .  Dr. Ming Thank you for the encouraging mail, and thank you for thinking of med.


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Dear Dr. Ming! Thanks you  for your kind words. My son has graduated treatments. I have noticed some improvements: it became more easy, more closely, the quantity of acoustical hallucinations has decreased. I continue my monitoring  and I shall inform you on results. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year ( if you celebrate this holiday)! Best regards,

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Dear Dr. Ming,
Thanks for you email.  Sorry for the late reply.
Overall I feel much better. Recently I don't have headache during my period but I have headache twice on other day.  I don't have much white mucus in my throat anymore.
Anyway, thanks again for your help.



Hello Dr. Ming!
Thank you very much for your books. I am already read it. I like it!
It is wonderful opportunity to study the experience of the best Chinese medicine doctors in cure of different kinds of difficult diseases. I am hope to see the more kind of another's books about another's difficult diseases. Best regards



Hello again from Bucharest!
My husband has started the treatement with herbal tea, today is the 12-th day of treatment. What I can tell you is that after days of improvement,  he had also  days of  general weakness and sharp heardaches. He can keep his head better and he feels fasciculations in both hands.At the beginning of the treatment he felt also pain in the byceps, also in the right and left side. He is now struggling with breathe problems. They don't appear all the time but somertimes he can hardly breathe.
We are committed to continue the treatment and we need your  kind advice how to proceed in the future. We want to sent you the money for a new treatment for another 20 days.
Best wishes and many thanks !
Daniela- Bucharest, Romania


Good morning Dr. Ming,
I am very satisfied your product S13, Super Powerful Men Capsule, it is working great for me and I am extremely happy with it.I am in pretty good health.It is summer here in Bermuda and the weather is great. Shirts, tee shirts or beach wear are the order of the day.
Thank you for caring. I will be buying more soon.
Thank you and Kind regards,
Ed Christopher


Dear Dr. Ming,

Yesterday, I found sometime to check my blood pressure ( for my hypertension) the maximum was 14.5 and the minimum 9.7. I think that these values are a good estimate. I used one of these automatic machines to run the test. I’ve e tried three times and got three different values. I hope that this information helps.  Lately, I’ve been through some very stressing days.

The weather here in Florida are typical of Summer days; hot during the day, rainy by the end of the afternoon, with some intense thunder and lightening. The night temperature is very nice.

I hope to hear soon from you.

Best regard,



Dear Dr Ming
Thank you for your kind response. I will make arrangement with the bank for the transfer of funds in a few days. T07
Thousand Beautiful Gestures Weight-Reducing Capsule is already registered with the government. So it is safe to send it to my  first address. The amount I will send you must be same amount stated on the parcels. The same as you did for the last six parcels. as the customs will check to see if the amount  which I have transferred to you is the same as the amount on the parcels.
Best regards,

Dr. J


Dear Dr Ming,
 I am writing to you to report on my condition. The herbal teas helped a lot (for my urinary problem).There is still pain on my left and right side which I will explain briefly.
 1. It seems there's a wound inside which I can feel. It's like a sore. It can be felt more so in the left side at the lower back (near hips)
 2. Frequency of urination Having said that, what can you recommend our next step? Those two are now
 the only symptoms I am having. 
 Keep you posted. I am now thinking of studying there to become herbalist.

 Warm Rgds,
 -danny, Malaysia


Hello Dr. Ming,

my mother (with ALS) has started to drink your tea and she really feels some improvements.
(check details here)


Dear Dr Ming
Thank you for your response to my email.
My (prostate) condition has much improved over the last 6 months.

(check details here)


Dear Dr. Ming,
have been on vacation in southern France with my family. Therefore you haven’t heard from me regarding my condition.
I have tried the 20 days herbal tea (for my ALS), which ended May 23rd - while I was in France. My throat has improved and my appetite for food or meals is much better.

 (check details here)




(check details here)


Dear Dr. Ming
This afternoon I got my blood examination (about my leukemia) from my home doctor and I saw for the first time my White blood cells went down from 92800 at 04.05.2005 to 85000 in  25.05.2005. Of course the number isn't big enough to hope about my recovery but at least stationary with a hoping for the future. I decided then to order the second 20 days treatment.  

(check details here)


Dear Dr. Ming,

Thank you for your follow up. I received the tea formula you sent and am still using it. I think the first batch you sent may have worked better than this one. I am still happy that overall my pain has been reduced. My stomach area is less painful, but the endometriosis hurts in my ovaries, and my period is late (this happens a lot). The first batch of tea you sent seemed to make my period more regular. I have been mapping my basal  body temperature every morning for a couple of months and there is no normal  pattern. I would like to get pregnant,
but I do not think I ovulate. I  think my ovulation is not taking place because of ovarian cysts. When I had  surgery, the doctor told me I had extensive endometriosis covering my ovaries.
I am not sure if you need more information, but if you do please let me  know. I will keep taking this tea and would like to order some more please. Thank you for your time and advice.

Miss K, Canada.


Dear Dr. Ming,
I would like to buy more of your Pear Loquat Capsules (Li Pi Jiao Nang), but cannot find where to purchase on the internet.  is not
accessible to me currently. Please tell me how I can purchase more as they work very well for me.
Thank you,


Dear Dr. Ming,

I have received the products and they are excellent I have noticed a great improvement in my health, thank you for offering to be my health advise I really appreciate it and I would like your advice on my health condition.

Best Wishes,



Hello Dr. Ming I received your e-mail,that so good! the books and medicine from you are the best,I always believe in chinese medicine and now more,because I am feeling the results.

As soon  I begging to work I am gone to buy you some books,sure yes.I was looking the pictures of your Laboratories and the School  and I like so much,China is a beautiful place,very colorfull and pretty. Maybe you hear from me soon again.

Thank you for your prompt e-mail,God bless you always, Grisel.


Dear Mr. Ming,

Thank you very much for your email... We are ready to invest 100Million USD in this business. And we want to make a joint venture with you on a mutual understanding and corporation....We want to establish two hospitals in Turkey which is located in the heart of europa, western asia and arabic gulf region.. Also we are ready to distrubite your whole products with our current channel..

We kindly invite you to Turkey to discuss all the details of the joint venture. Attachment i am sending the picture of the proposed hospital building which is located in a forest region and  on 7500m2 land.




Dr. Ming

We have been trying your herbal tea and it has given  Armen a bit more energy and he has  gotten his natural color in his skin back. Except he saw a Dr. here in the united states yesterday and That Dr really ruined everything and now I really need some help for me to bring him to you in china to do his therapy if  you can please help us  with reservations if you like my number this way we can beable to organize our travel and method of payments. We are ready and we would like to reserve  our flights and stays with you  for January 15, 2006.


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Hi Dr. Ming,
I am doing fine, thanks for asking. Almost all symptomps have significantly ameliorated after the tea treatment.

(check details here)

Hi Dr. Ming,

You have helped me before, back in February of last year.  I was experiencing hemerhoids, anal fissure, bleeding and pain when going to the bathroom.  You subsribed the musk ointment. It worked well.  Thank you.  It seems all my issues are in the same area, the pelvic area.  What do you make of this?




Dear Doctor Ming,


Here's the follow-up for myself for thrombosis in right eye.

As I told you, the situation is: 

some light pain in right eye, but reduced compared to previous condition;

some redness remains in eye, some red vessels.

Iching and burning: almost all gone.

mucus: practically none.

tight liver still felt, but much reduced (quick liver massage every morning after Qigong)

ringing in ears: light, fairly continuous, but very small,

restless legs, painful tension in legs a long time in the evening only.

Thak you very much for your kind attention,

Paglia .


Dear Dr. Ming,

I have been drinking the herbal tea for my
premature ejaculation for 18 days now, so I would like to tell you something about the improvements and my current health condition. First of all I would like to say that I am very satisfied with the effects of the herbal tea and the improvements, I like the tea very much.

(check details here)


Dear Dr. Ming,

Thanks your quick response of my email.

I understand your manufacturer, but it is very important for us to have at least a agent contract for Norway in the beginning. The reason is that we have to have this formalities in order to sale larger quantities. You can be sure that you will not be disappointed.

Re. price we will order a larger quantities of both products, but since we will order in big packets (without packages) I think it will be better to get a price for each tablets (72 divided with package price), what do you mean?

One more question:

What is the main difference between
F04 : Sugar-Reducing Efficacious Capsule  and F05: Sugar-Reducing Capsule?

In the future we also have to discuss to expand our product sortiment with other products form your manufacturers. Your products is fantastic and our feed back is very good.

Best regards,

Dr. Carson


Hi Dr. Ming

I consider you and your associates to be the most authentic and competent in TCM on the web that I'm aware of. Anyway, I wanted to know about a mind empowering program that you recommend to students (or any one on trying to greatly improve intelligence), which increases blood flow to the brain and improves concentration and memory. I'm aware of one vegetarian receipe that includes Ginkgo biloba (24% flavone-glycosides), Polygonatum root, Schizandra fruit, Tibetan Rhodiola root, and Siberian Ginseng root. Do you find this combination appropiate and do you make some thing like this? Thanks...



Thanks a lot for your kind e-mail!

I was in Antalya last week for a radiology congress. So I wasn't able to check my e-mails and write to you! It was great! It's getting colder in Ankara but Antalya was so hot!

Yes, I received my order (6 packets of X04: Vitiligo  Pill) and I used it! There wasn't anything in English how to use it, so I used six pills twice a day! I hope it is true way to use it! It took only 18 days to finish the pills. I think it worked on my hands. My family and I think that my vitiligos on my hands are much more getting better and darker! So now my mother also wants to use it! She have vitiligo,  too! But I considered no change on my aksilla, poplitea, ankles and breasts! I think to order vitiligo pills for my mom and me! Do you advice me another treatment or should I use ' vitiligo pills' again? By the way there is a treatment called 'narrow-band UVB'! Can I try it with 'vitiligo pills'?


Best regards to you!


Hello dr: Ming
I am so sorry  for my delay of replay for your last letter but this because my computer isnt work. and i thanks you very much for this letter.
About my case:
1-the sleep is become very good and no trouble in it.
2-About headache :is become less than before but is
still predent

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Dr Ming,

Thanks a lot for the herbal tea.

My father is regularly taking herbal tea, its now 7 days and I have noticed his stamina level improvement.

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Dear Dr. Ming,


Thank you very much for the Q11: Kidney Stones Opening Soluble Preparation, or 999 (I Think?) I finished the product completely. I am having faith that it has dissolved the small stone that I had. Once my ultra sound showed me that I had a small stone, I wanted to get a natural cure immediately. I will not know if the stone is gone until I get a new ultrasound. I am only allowed one per year. I had no apparent symptoms of a stone, other than a dull ache pain in my low back and a stabbing pain in my left side of mid back. So far, so good. The occasional sharp pain has subsided. I still have a mild dull achy pain in my low left side of back. That could be my DJD of the spine though.

Thank you so much for asking. As I said, I am having faith that it is dissolved.

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