Dear Dr. Ming,
I ordered T07 (One thousand best gestures weight reduction capsules) in July. This is my second week and I have lost 11 lbs. I am so excited.
Can you email me and let me know the instructions on how you take the pills. I have been taking 3 pills about 15 minutes before I eat breakfast and lunch.
Thank you for your help,
Thanks for your nice email. The weather is uncomfortably hot here as well.
In response to your query, I have been quite satisfied with your product (R13: Powerful Body-Strengthening Capsule, and am interested to continue with them. I must pace myself financially, though. In the future, I would like to try more products for unexplained hypertension for my wife.
More later,
Dr. Ming and Assistants,
Thank you very much for your well wish and concern. I have
received my books and I'm very pleased with them. In the near future
I am hoping to purchase the rest of your books for the Distance
Learning program. I am in the process of making plans to hopefully
come to China next year to take your 10 week course on TCM. I am
hoping that by studying these books before hand I will have a better
understanding when I arrive. Once again thank you for your
patience we me and I am sorry not getting back to you sooner.
thank you for your kind email. I have seen some improvement and 3
bald patches have recovered. But the tea tastes very bad and makes me
feel sick, is there any other way to take the treatment? Do I need
anymore treatments or will the improvement continue?
Thank you
I want to thank you very much for the books I ordered and your efficient and courteous service.
I was very impressed with the book on Auricular acupuncture. It was of greater value then books I have seen that cost 5 times more.
May I trouble you for some advice?
I have arthritis in my neck and a bulging disc at cervical vertebra 5 that presses against the nerve causing severe neck and head pain. What auricular points can I stimulate for relief? What body points?
Which points for general pain in the left leg?
I am looking forward to your response and will certainly recommend your web site to all.
Dear Dr Ming,
(As to my
leukemia, CLL) I
just had my
blood test done
and saw my
My white blood
cells went up
2500 during last
two months and
the result is
My doctor was
nicely surprise
it is slowly
progressing. I
told him about
treatment .He is
OK with it. So
what You can
suggest now?
Someone I knew
just died after
less then 6
years battle
with chronic
like mine /she
started very
slow too/. I can
not tell I am
not scared. I am
“only” 50.
Will be waiting
for your reply.
With warm
(check details
Sorry for the
delay in my
reply. The
Golden Throat
product helped
my throat very
much. I
have visited
Beijing and
Shanghai twice
in the past 12
During each of
these wonderful
working visits,
developed a cold
and had a sore
throat and
Both times,
doctors gave me
medicine that
Golden Throat.
The candy
Golden Throat
Herbal Candy)
worked very
well. I had
heard of it here
in the U.S. and
I tried to find
it on
the internet for
a long time and
am happy I
found your
I'm practicing
my mandarin and
looking forward
to returning to
Beijing in the
next 6
I'm feeling
much more alive
headaches and
back pain. I was
taking euccomia
tablets but I
stopped because
the bark
is much better
for me and my
family. I will
be definetly
ordering more,
also if there
are any other
herbal remedies
you recommend
please notify
me of them.
Written by
thank you your
products are
very helpful
i want to start
using them for
patients and
would like to
have a regular
order every 2
weeks as that is
the amount of
time it
takes to get
here let me know how
to setthis up
and i do need an
invoice attached
the product
thank you
Mr. J, Brasil
Dear Dr. Ming,
Your package
arrived very
quickly, and in
the best
condition. Many
thanks for your
Dr. Ming,
The capsules
have helped my
husband with a
few problems (
as to his
multiple system
sclerosis). We
would like to
order more, he
is still having
a very stiff
neck that
causes him to be
hunched over in
posture and some
foot swelling w
in foot.
Can you add some
meds to help
this and assist
in relieving
the pain in
Thank you,
please let me
know how to
Dear Dr Ming,
The medicine
took a long time
coming, well
over two weeks.
I am continuing
the treatment
and there are
some obvious
The feeling
under the ribs
and the tinnitus
are much
Thanks for your
Dear Dr. Ming,
(As for my
enlarged heart
problem) I am
mid way through
my third day of
Already I can
feel a
I feel stronger
and have more
energy and my
heart is beating
better than it
has (better
pace, better
beat) in many
years, and this
is just the
I also have less
tension (spasming)
in my lower back
and the
ligaments and
muscles in my
left hip (the
damaged one) are
Thank you for
your kind
(check details here)
Hello Dr. Ming
Thank you for the kind
email. We are hoping to
order again very soon,
as our business is
expanding very greatly.
We are having problems
with some shipping to
the east coast of the
USA. It is very costly
to ship small orders to
our customers.
We would like you to
give us separate quotes
on 1, 2, and 3 tons of
Lycium to be shipped to
the port of New York
City as well as San
We are thinking it might
be economical for us to
have shipments sent to
both east and west coast
of USA.
I will wait for your
Thank you very much and
we also wish good
fortune upon your
Dear Dr. Ming,
Thanks for you email. Sorry
for the late reply.
Overall I feel much better.
Recently I don't have
headache during my period
but I
have headache twice on other
day. I don't have much
white mucus in my throat
Anyway, thanks again for
your help.
Hello Dr. Ming!
Thank you very much for your
books. I am already read it.
I like it!
It is wonderful opportunity
to study the experience of
the best
Chinese medicine doctors in
cure of different kinds of
diseases. I am hope to see
the more kind of another's
books about
another's difficult
diseases. Best regards
Hello again from Bucharest!
My husband has started the
treatement with herbal tea,
today is the 12-th
day of treatment. What I can
tell you is that after days
of improvement, he
had also days of
general weakness and sharp
heardaches. He can keep his
head better and he feels
fasciculations in both
At the beginning of the
treatment he felt also pain
in the byceps, also in
the right and left side.
He is now struggling with
breathe problems. They don't
appear all the time
but somertimes he can hardly
We are committed to continue
the treatment and we need
your kind advice how
to proceed in the future. We
want to sent you the money
for a new treatment
for another 20 days.
Best wishes and many thanks
Daniela- Bucharest, Romania
Dear Dr. Ming,
Yesterday, I found sometime
to check my blood pressure (
for my hypertension) the
maximum was 14.5 and the
minimum 9.7. I think that
these values are a good
estimate. I used one of
these automatic machines to
run the test. I’ve e tried
three times and got three
different values. I hope
that this information helps.
Lately, I’ve been through
some very stressing days.
The weather here in Florida
are typical of Summer days;
hot during the day, rainy by
the end of the afternoon,
with some intense thunder
and lightening. The night
temperature is very nice.
I hope to hear soon from
Best regard,
Dear Dr Ming
Thank you for your kind
response. I will make
arrangement with the bank
for the transfer of funds in
a few days. T07
Thousand Beautiful Gestures
Weight-Reducing Capsule
is already registered
with the government. So it
is safe to send it to my
first address. The amount I
will send you must be same
amount stated on the
parcels. The same as you did
for the last six parcels. as
the customs will check to
see if the amount
which I have transferred to
you is the same as the
amount on the parcels.
Best regards,
Dr. J
Dear Dr. Ming!
Thank you very much for
books and CD-disk.
They content a lot of
interesting information,
which is useful for my
clinical practice. I am so
grateful to you for your
collaboration with me.
Best regards.
Dear Dr Ming,
I am writing to you to
report on my condition. The
herbal teas helped a lot
(for my urinary problem).
There is still pain on my
left and right side which I
will explain briefly.
1. It seems there's a wound
inside which I can feel.
It's like a sore. It
can be felt more so in the
left side at the lower back
(near hips)
2. Frequency of urination
Having said that, what can
you recommend our next step?
Those two are now the only symptoms I am
Keep you posted. I am now
thinking of studying there
to become herbalist.
Warm Rgds,
-danny, Malaysia
Hello Dr. Ming,
my mother (with ALS) has
started to drink your tea
and she really feels some
What should we do after the
20 days and can you tell me
which ingredients are in the tea
Thank you very much
(check details here)
Dear Dr Ming
Thank you for your response
to my email.
My (prostate) condition has
much improved over the last
6 months thanks to you and
wonderful herbal medicines.
Best wishes to you and your
Kind regards
(check details here)
Dear Dr. Ming,
have been on vacation in
southern France with my
family. Therefore you
haven’t heard from me
regarding my condition.
I have tried the 20 days
herbal tea (for my ALS),
which ended May 23rd - while
I was in France. My throat
has improved and my appetite
for food or meals is much
better. Nevertheless I will
like to have a new batch of
herbal capsules or herbal
tea. Which treatment do you
prefer for me? Herbal tea or
capsules? Please let me
know! Thanks (It is no
problem for me to prepare
the tea for use)...
Kind regards,
details here)
(check details here)
Dear Dr.
This afternoon I got my
blood examination (about my
leukemia) from my home
doctor and I saw for the
first time my White blood
cells went down from 92800
at 04.05.2005 to 85000 in
25.05.2005. Of course the
number isn`t big enough to
hope about my recovery but
at least stationary with a
hoping for the future. I
decided then to order the
second 20 days treatment.
Please charge me in my
Master Card like last time
the $140 and send soonest as
possible the second tea
details :My blood
92.800, HGB/HB 13,8 gldl, PLT/TC
10 223000,
Lymph 94%.
WBC/LC 85.000, HGB/HB 15,2
gldl, PLT/TC 10
151000, Lymph 95%.
(check details here)
Dear Dr. Ming,
I would like to buy more of
your Pear Loquat Capsules
(Li Pi Jiao Nang), but
cannot find where to
purchase on the internet.
www.tcmtreatment.com is
accessible to me currently.
Please tell me how I can
purchase more as they work
very well for me.
Thank you,
Dear Dr. Ming,
I have received the products and
they are excellent I have
noticed a great
improvement in my health, thank
you for offering to be my health
advise I
really appreciate it and I would
like your advice on my health
Best Wishes,
Hello Dr. Ming I received your
e-mail,that so good! the books
and medicine from you are the
best,I always believe in chinese
medicine and now more,because I
am feeling the results.
As soon I begging to work
I am gone to buy you some
books,sure yes.I was looking the
pictures of your Laboratories
and the School and I like
so much,China is a beautiful
place,very colorfull and pretty.
Maybe you hear from me soon
Thank you for your prompt e-mail,God
bless you always, Grisel.
Dear Dr. Ming
Thank you for your prompt
response to my inquiry. I feel
better than before I took lung
healing medicine
(C03: Lung-Healing Formula).
Amount of sputum was decreased.
I feel comfortable when I
breathe at night.
I also noticed that shortness of
breath was improved when I walk
up the hill. Is this medicine
really safe even though I take
for a long period? This question
is very important to me because
I have been suffered this
chronic cystic bronchiectasis
since my childhood. This disease
is social harassment due to
constant sputum production. Is
there any better medicine for
this kind of lung ailment? Your
advice would be greatly
Sun, USA
Hello Dr Ming
I hope you and your family are
I have just finished taking
Q06: Prostate Spring-Returning
with good results. Last year you
sent me some 'Special Prostate
Formula' capsules. Should I
consolidate the good results
with these again or is there
something else you would
I look forward to your reply.
Ernie, Australia
Dear Dr.Ming!!!
First at all I will thank you
again and again for your efforts
and that you arranged everything so fast for
helping Axel!We all are looking
forward to
get the medicine you'll send! You know at the university
where I study,there are many
students suffering from this and that and I always
talk with them about my
experiences with
Chinese Materia medica,... and
tell them about the wonderful
Chinese medicine and give them your
homepage that they could contact you!They are
really very interested... so its a big big honour for me
to become your german
manager...please just tell me what should I do,what
can I do,how can I serve you?
I'll do my best ... I know that there is a big
interest for Traditional Chinese
Medicine here and I could make more
advertising if you want...just
tell me...
And please never forget that
you are always welcome to be our
guest and to visit us in Austria!
Many greetings to you and your
lovely family also from my
Dear Dr Ming
Thank you for your e-mail from
03-05-2005. I am very satisfied
from your product
X04 Vitiligo Pill. It is
very good. My vitiligo is almost
noticeable. This products
increase my immunity, too. I
stopped to infect from my
patients since I use your very
good product. I buy it from you
because it is very good. I feel
very good.
Now in Poland there is a spring.
I have less sick patients ( a
lot of infected patients I had
in winter)
I have more time for rest. I
will have more time for rest
till next winter.
I don't want to interrupt
therapy by X04 Vitiligo Pill,
because I am afraid of
recurrence vitiligo and I don't
want to be always infectected
All blesings to you and your
family - Mariola
Dear Dr Ming,
We have been using your products
since we received them and are
happy to say that we like the
way they work.
My 34 year old daughter is
taking the formula to lose
weight and she has lost some
weight already.
I would like to know if I should
use xiao tang ling jiao nang
to treat the diabetes instead of
jiang tang jiao nang.
My regards and blessings to you.
Dear Dr. Ming:
I have no question in my mind
that the capsules are helping me
(with my ALS). My tongue is
stronger and I'm talking more.
My left leg is still weak but I
can walk not like I used to but
people don't know any difference
but I do. I use the capsules as
a cleansing tonic.
I was having trouble with my
computer. The order wouldn't
send so my son, Nicholas, sent
the order from his computer and
it went through.
Thank you for your concern and
writing back to me; I appreciate
Have a good day, Dr. Ming!!!
(check details here)
Dear Dr. Ming-
Thank you so very much for
sending us the formulas that you
so kindly shared with us. It is
our hope that we can put several
neutral and also gender specific
formulas together and then some
how add them to some soup
recipes, both hot and cold
depending on how the herbs will
respond. We are unclear on the
best way to achieve this,but we
feel confident that with your
help we will succeed.
Dr. Forester informed me of your
upcoming seminar and I was
hoping that you would honor us
with the oppurtunity to send you
some money to help insure a
successful venture for you. We
so appreciate your kindness and
want the oppurtunity to send
this money western union, please
foward me the fastest way to
insure that you can receive
this. We look foward to having a
long and successful relationship
with you and if there is
anything else we can do for you
please let us know.
Thank you again for your
kindness,we look foward to
hearing from you-
Best requards to you and your
family- Tina and Cheryl
Dear Dr., Greetings,
Please allow me to bring you up
to date with my wife
condition (amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis ALS)
after using your product for
eleven days. I am please to
report the following:
(a) for about three weeks we
were not able to brush her teeth
and clean her
mouth properly because she could
not open her mouth to allow
that. Her jaws
were locked very tightly. For
the past three days she
was able to properly
open her mouth to allow brushing
her teeth and cleaning her
(b) for about the past five
weeks she was not alert and was
always in a
sleepy state. Yesterday she was
very alert and even looked at
the television
show, Today she was alert as
(c)All in all I want to feel
that something positive is
Thank you.
(check details here)
Dear Dr.
walking slowly with the aide of
a 4 wheeled walker. My
balance is much improved but I
have fallen while stepping
backwards. Will I ever
walk unaided?
eye movement is better also, but
only to the extreme right side,
I've continued double vision.
very happy to express that due
to my improvement of
coordination, my ability to
excercise is much increased, I
excercise everyday (a cardiac
workout for 30 minutes).
do thank you in advance for your
kind response.
Dear Dr. Ming:
I have now received all
three packages. Thanks so
much. Is it safe to take
product with diabetes? Several
of my clients have already lost
weight (after using your herbal
Thousand Beautiful Gestures
Weight-Reducing Capsule).
I have too. Thanks!
Kind regards,
More Emails