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 Retail Price List Of Chinese Herbs In Latin (6)














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NO:  Latin  Pin Yin   English  US$/kg
O-1(L) Quercus Acutissimae Cortex  xiang pi  oak bark  156.25
O-2(L) Quisqualis Fructus  shi jun zi  quisqualis fruit  10.94
R-1(L) Radix Stemonae  zi yuan  aster root   6.25
R-2(L) Ranunculi Ternati Tuber  mao zhao cao  cat's claw buttercup root  15.00
R-3(L) Raphani Semen lai fu zi radish seed 2.81
R-4(L) Rehmanniae Radix Conquita  shu di  cooked rehmannia root  3.75
R-5(L) Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens  sheng di  dried/fresh rehmannia root  3.13
R-6(L) Resina Olibani  ru xiang  frankincense  7.50
R-7(L) Rhapontici seu Echinopis Radix lou lu rhaponticum/echinops root 3.13
R-8(L) Rhei Rhizoma da huang rhubarb 3.75
R-9(L) Rhizoma  Typhonii  bai fu zi  giant typhonium tuber  10.94
R-10(L) Rhododendri Mollis Flos  nao yang hua *  yellow azalea flower  20.31
R-11(L) Rosae Laevigatae Fructus jin ying zi cherokee rose fruit 3.75
R-12(L) Rubi Fructus fu pen zi rubus berry 18.75
R-13(L) Rubiae Radix  qian cao  madder root  8.13
S-1(L) Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix dan shen salvia root 5.00
S-2(L) Sanguisorbae Radix di yu sanguisorba root 2.81
S-3(L) Santali Lignum  tan xiang  sandalwood  68.75
S-4(L) sappan Lignum  su mu  sappan wood  4.38
S-5(L) Sargassi Herba hai zao sargassum 5.00
S-6(L) Saussureae Radix Sichuanensis  yun mu xiang  yunnan saussurea root  4.38
S-7(L) Schisandrae Fructus  wu wei zi  schisandra Fruit  7.81
S-8(L) Schizonepetae Herba et Flos jing jie schizonepeta 4.38
S-9(L) Scolopendra  wu gong  centipede  0.44//one piece
S-10(L) Scrophulariae Radix  xuan shen  scrophularia root  3.13
S-11(L) Scutellariae Radix huang qin scutellaria root 10.00
S-12(L) Sennae Folium  xie ye  senna leaf  5.63
S-13(L) Sepiae seu Sepiella Os hai piao xiao cuttlefish bone 5.63
S-14(L) Serpentis Exuviae  she tui  snake slough  62.50
S-15(L) Sesami Semen Atrum hei zhi ma black sesame seed 6.88
S-16(L) shancigu Bulbus  shan ci gu  shancigu bulb  16.25
S-17(L) Siegesbeckiae Herba  xi xian cao  siegesbeckia  2.50
S-18(L) Sinomenii seu sabiae Caulis et Rhizoma  qing feng teng  orient vine  2.19
S-19(L) Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma  tu fu ling  smooth greenbrier root  2.81
S-20(L) Smithsonitum lu gan shi smithsonite 3.13
S-21(L) Sophorae Flavescentis Radix ku shen flavescent sophora root 2.81
S-22(L) Sophorae Flos huai hua sophora flower 9.69
S-23(L) Sophorae Flos Immaturus huai mi sophora flower bud 8.75
S-24(L) Sophorae Fructus huai jiao sophora fruit 2.19
S-25(L) Sophorae Subprostratae Radix  shan dou gen  bushy sphora root  3.13
S-26(L) Sparganii Rhizoma  san leng  sparganium root  5.63
S-27(L) Speranskiae seu Impatientis Herba  tou gu cao  speranskia/balsam  4.38
S-28(L) Stalactitum  zhong ru shi  stalactite  2.19
S-29(L) Stellariae Lanceolafae Radix  yin chai hu   lanceolate stellaria root  21.25
S-30(L) Stemonae Radix  bai bu  stemona root  3.75
S-31(L) Stephaniae Cepharanthae Tuber; Dioscoreae Rhizoma  bai yao zi  cepharantha tuber; dioscorea root  1.88
S-32(L) Sterculiae Semen  pang da hai  sterculia  7.81
S-33(L) Succinum hu po amber 4.06
S-34(L) Syngnathus hai long pipe-fish 1,500.00
T-1(L) Tabanus  meng chong  tabanus 218.75
T-2(L) Talcum hua shi fen talcum 0.94
T-3(L) Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium  xi he liu  tamarisk twig and leaf  4.38
T-4(L) Taraxaci Herba cum Radice  pu gong ying  dandelion  3.44
T-5(L) Testudinis Plastri Gelatinum gui ban jiao tortoise plastron glue 50.00
T-6(L) Testudinis Plastrum gui ban tortoise plastron 106.25
T-7(L) Tetrapanacis Medulla  tong cao  rice-paper plant pith  12.19
T-8(L) Tinosporae Tuber jin guo lan tinospora tuber 18.75
T-9(L) Toonae Cortex Ailanthi chun gen pi toona root Bark  3.75
T-10(L) Toosendan Fructus chuan lian zi toosendan fruit 1.88
T-11(L) Torreyae Semen fei zi torreya nut 3.75
T-12(L) Trachelospermi Caulis luo shi teng star jasmine stem 2.19
T-13(L) Tribuli Fructus ci ji li tribulus fruit 5.63
T-14(L) Trichosanthis Fructus gua lou shi trichosanthes fruit 8.13
T-15(L) Trichosanthis Pericarpium gua lou ke trichosanthes rind 7.50
T-16(L) Trichosanthis Radix  tian hue fen  trichosanthes root  5.63
T-17(L) Trichosanthis Semen gua lou zi trichosanthes seed 7.50
T-18(L) Tritici  Levis Fructus fu xiao mai light wheat grain 1.88
T-19(L) Trogopteri seu Pteromydis Excrementum  wu ling zhi  flying squirrel's droppings  5.31
T-20(L) Tussilaginis Flos kuan dong hua tussilago flower 18.13
T-21(L) Typhae Pollen  pu huang  typha pollen  8.13
U-1(L) Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco gou teng uncaria stem and thorn 5.63
V-1(L) Vaccariae Semen  wang bu liu xing  vaccaria seed  2.81
V-2(L) Veratri Radix et Rhizoma  li lu * veratrum root 6.88
V-3(L) Vespae Nidus feng fang hornet's nest 56.25
V-4(L) Vespertilionis Excrementum  ye ming sha   bat's droppings  4.06
V-5(L) Violae Herba cum Radice di ding violet 2.50
V-6(L) Viticis Fructus  man jing zi  vitex fruit  6.88
V-7(L) Vladiniriae Souliei Radix chuan mu xiang sichuan saussurea root 4.38
X-1(L) Xanthii Fructus cang er zi xanthium fruit 1.56
Y-1(L) Yinzhu  yin zhu  vermilion  40.63
Z-1(L) Zanthoxyli Pericarpium hua jiao zanthoxylum husk 11.88
Z-2(L) Zaocys  wu she  black-striped snake  45.31
Z-3(L) zedoariae Rhizoma e zhu zedoary 5.00
Z-4(L) Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum gan jiang dried ginger 4.06
Z-5(L) Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum  pao jiang  blast-fried ginger  4.38
Z-6(L) Zingiberis Rhizomatis Cortex jiang pi ginger skin 2.81
Z-7(L) Ziziphi Fructus Jujubae da zao jujube 2.19
Z-8(L) Ziziphi Spinosi Semen  suan zao ren  spiny jujube kernel  25.00

A   B-C  D-G  H-L  M-P  Q-Z  Chinese