TCM China:

Introduction To Pilose Antler (lu rong......)  




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Pilose Antler (lu rong)

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum

Properties: Sweet and salty in flavour, warm in nature, it is tropistic to the liver and kidney channels. Being sweet, salty, warm and moist in property, this drug is capable of reinforcing kidney-yang and replenishing vital essence and blood. When muscles and bones are nourished by essence and blood, they will become strong. Thus this drug is an important remedy in this respect. It serves to treat syndromes of insufficiency of kidney-yang and consumption of vital essence and blood manifested as weak extremities and five retardations in children (delayed standing, walking, hair-growing, tooth eruption and faculty of speech).

Effects: Reinforcing kidney-yang, supplementing essence and blood and strengthening muscles and bones.


1. For insufficiency of kidney-yang and decline of the fire from the gate of life manifested as cold pain in the loins and knees, spermatorrhea, frequent micturation, impotence and premature ejaculation, it is often used together with Radix Ginseng, Fructus Lycii, Cortex Cinnamomi,Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Placenta, etc. to supplement fire and strengthen Yang, as in Hygeinic Bolus of Ginseng and Pilose AntlerShenrong Weisheng Wanand Bolus of Whole Antler (Quanlu Wan).

2. For syndromes of deficiency-cold in women’s lower-jiao, debility of Chong and Ren meridians, metrorrhagia, metrostaxis, leucorrhea, infertility due to uterine coldness, etc. , it can be used with herbs for warming meridians, dispelling cold, warming uterus and regulating menstruation, such as Colla Corii Asini, Redix Angelicae Sinensis, Pollen Typhae, Os Sepiella seu Sep-Sppiae, Folium Artemisiae Argyi, Fructus Psoraleae, Fructtus Schisandrae, etc.

3. For deficiency of both liver and kidney, consumption of essence and blood marked by dizziness, tinnitus insomnia, amnesia, weak extremities and five retardation in children, it is often used with Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Corni, Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis, Cortex Eucommiae, Ramulus Loranthi, etc. to reinforce the kidney, supplement essence, strengthen muscles and bones.

In addition, it also can function in warming and tonifying Yang and draining pus to treat chronic ulcer without healing and deficiency-cold of Qi and blood.

Dosage and Administration: 1-3g, around into fine powder to be swallowed, three times a day, or prepared in bolus and compound powder. 

Precaution: This drug should be used in small dosage in order to avoid helping pathogenic fire or bleeding. It is contraindicated in syndrome of hyperactivity of Yang due to deficiency of Yin.

Additional Drugs:

Antler (Cornu Cervi): It is ossified horn of the male deer or stag, salty in flavour, warm in nature, and tropistic to the liver and kidney channels; used to tonify the kidney, invigorate Yang, and strengthen the muscles and bones, but weaker in potency than pilose antler. When used unprepared, it has an effect of promoting blood circulation to subside swelling, and serves to treat sores, carbuncles and other suppurative cutaneous infections.

Antler Glue (Colla Cornus Cervi): It is dry glue pieces made from decocted and concentrated antler. It functions in supplementing kidney-yang and enriching vital essence and blood. It is stronger in potency than antler but weaker than pilose antler. it also has hemostatic effect for deficiency-cold syndrome due to insufficiency of kidney-yang and loss of blood.

5-10g melted by heat for oral administration with water or used in bolus, compound powder of ointment.

Deglued Antler Powder (Cornu Cervi Degelatinatum):

The residue from decoction of antler, weaker in power for warming and recuperating the kidney-yang, but also has an effect of astringency, serving to reat the syndrome of debility of the lower-jiao manifested as spermatorrhea, frequent micturation, metrorrhagia, metrostaxis and leucorrhea. When used externally, it is astringent, can stop bleeding for treatment of traumatic bleeding (10-15g).


Air ship 500 grams (about 1.1 pound) of  Pilose Antler (lu rong......)    for your personnel use now for US$38.65.