TCM China:  

Retail Price List Of Chinese Herbs (6)









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NO: Name Pin Yin   English  Latin 
A273 莱菔子 lai fu zi radish seed Raphani Semen
A274 老鹳草 lao guan cao cranesbill Geranii Herba
A275 雷公藤 lei gong teng thunder god vine Tripterygii Wilfordi Radix Folium et Flos
A276 雷丸 lei wan  omphalia Omphalia
A277 荔核 li he litchee pit Litchi Semen
A278 黎芦 li lu  veratrum Veratri Radix et Rhizoma
A279 莲房 lian fang lotus receptacle Nelumbinis Receptaculum
A280 连翘 lian qiao forsythia fruit Forsythiae Fructus
A281 莲芯 lian xin lotus embryo  Nelumbinis Embryo
A282 莲须 lian xu lotus stamen Nelumbinis Stamen
A283 莲子 lian zi lotus fruit/seed Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen
A284 两头尖 liang tou jian radde's anemone root Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma
A285 凌霄花 ling xiao hua  campsis flower Campsites Flos 
A286 羚羊角粉 ling yang jiao feng Antelope horn power Antelope horn power
A287 灵芝菌 ling zhi jun ganoderma Ganoderma
A288 硫磺 liu huang  sulfur Srlphur
A289 六一散 liu yi san  Six-To-One power Six-To-One power
A290 六月雪 liu yue xue  Chinese eupatorium leaf Eupatorii Chinnses Folium
A291 龙齿 long chi dragon tooth Mastodi Dentis Fossilia
A292 龙胆草 long dan cao gentian root Gentianae Radix
A293 龙骨 long gu dragon bone Mastodi Ossis Fossilia
A294 龙葵 long kui  black nightshade Solani Nigri Herba
A295 漏芦 lou lu rhaponticum/echinops root Rhapontici seu Echinopis Radix
A296 鹿鞭 lu bian  deer’s testis and penis Cervi Testis et Penis
A297 绿矾 lu fan  melanterite melanteritum
A298 炉甘石 lu gan shi smithsonite Smithsonitum
A299 芦根 lu gen phragmites root Phragmititis Rhizoma
A300 鹿含草 lu han cao  evolvulus Evolvuli Herba
A301 芦荟 lu hui aloe Aloe
A302 鹿角胶 lu jiao jiao deerhorn glue Cervi Gelatinum Cornu
A303 鹿角霜 lu jiao shuang degelatinated deer antler Cervi Cornu Degelatinatum
A304 路路通 lu lu tong liquidambar fruit Liquidambaris Fructus
A305 罗布麻 luo bu ma  dogbane Apocyni Herba
A306 罗汉果 luo han guo  Grosvenor’s momordica fruit Momordicae Grosvenori Fructus
A307 络石藤 luo shi teng star jasmine stem Trachelospermi Caulis
A308 马鞭草 ma bian cao  vervena Vervenae Herba
A309 马勃 ma bo  puffball  Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia 
A310 马齿苋 ma chi xian purslane Portulacae Herba
A311 马蔸铃 ma dou ling  aristolochia fruit  Aristolochiae Fructus 
A312 马钱子 ma qian zi  nux vomica Nux Vomicae Semen 
A313 麦冬 mai dong  ophiopogon tuber Ophiopogonis Tuber 
A314 麦芽 mai ya  barley sprout  Hordei Fructus Germinatus 
A315 蔓荆子 man jing zi  vitex fruit  Viticis Fructus 
A316 满天星 man tian xing pavetta Pavetta Hongkongensis
A317 芒硝 mang xiao  mirabilite Mirabilitum 
A318 毛冬青 mao dong qing  hairy holly root Ilicis Pubescentis Radix
A319 猫爪草 mao zhao cao  cat's claw buttercup root  Ranunculi Ternati Tuber 
A320 玫瑰花 mei gui hua  rose Rosae Flos
A321 弥猴桃根 mi hou tou gen Yang tao Actinidia Root Yang tao Actinidia Root
A322 密蒙花 mi meng hua  buddleia flower  Buddleiae Flos 
A323 密佗僧 mi tuo seng  Litharge  Lithargyum 
A324 棉大戟 mian da ji cotton root of Beijing euphorbia Stellerae Radix
A325 明党参 ming dang shen  changium root  Changii Radix 
A326 明矾 ming fan  alum  Alumen 
A327 没食子 mo shi zi  aleppo gall  Galla Halepensis 
A328 没药 mo yao  myrrh  Myrrha 
A329 木鳖子仁 mu bie zi ren prepared momordica seed Prepared Momordica Seed
A330 母丁香 mu ding xiang  clove fruit  Caryophylli Fructus 
A331 木瓜 mu gua  chaenomeles fruit  Chaenomelis Fructus 
A332 木蝴蝶 mu hu die  oroxylum seed  Oroxyli Semen 
A333 木槿花 mu jin hua  rose-of-Sharon flower Hibisci Syriaci Flos
A334 牡蛎 mu li  oyster shell Ostreae Concha
A335 木贼 mu ze  Equisetum Equiseti Herba

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