2. When Mr. Duan came to
our hospital, the joints of his four limbs were stiff, especially the joints of
his lower limbs. It is difficult to squat. Because of the stiffness over his
knee-joins he just could bend his knee to walk. It is difficult to bend over his
right elbow joint. In the morning his knuckles were stiff. When the weather was
cold, the stiffness became severe. When the weather was hot or after exercises
the stiffness slightly relieved. There were stabbing pains in the joints of his
four limbs, especially in his toe-joints and his elbow joints. And the pains
were severe at night, accompanied with burning sensation. Yet it was no red and
swollen. There were deformation and dark skin over his joints. Sometimes he had
tinnitus and blurred vision, with no sweating, dry and bitter mouth. His
appetite and sleeping were good. And his urination and bowel movement were
3. T: 36.5°C R: 20
times/minute P: 72 times/minute BP: 130/80 mmHg
4. The patient had
normal spiritual status with red facial expression. His movement was limited
because of the stiff joints. There was no sign of yellow sclera or yellowish
skin. There was hyperemia sign over this eyes. There was no enlargement over his
superficial lymph node. His neck was soft with no resistance. His trachea was
good and in the center. There were no swelling and pains over his throat. His
chest was symmetrical. There was no enlargement of his thyroid gland. Rhythm of
his heart was 72 times per minute. Heart rate was regular with no murmurs. Sound
of breathing in the lungs was clear, without any rhonchi. His abdomen was soft,
without any pressing pains, rebound tenderness or enclosed mass. There was no
sign of deformity over his spine. There was deformation over his thumb joints.
And his elbow joints could not be straight. There was slight bend of his
knee-joints. The straight leg rising test showed it was positive. The meningeal
irritation was negative. There were no pathological reflections, but the
physiological reflections existed. His tongue was slightly dark with white and
thin tongue coating. Her pulse was deep.
TCM: Impediment
Western Medicine
diagnosis: Gouty arthritis
12 years ago, he was
diagnosed with Gout by The No.1 People Hospital in Huaihua.
Treatment strategy and
1. Routine care of
traditional Chinese internal medicine.
2. Grade Ⅱ care,
companion, low purine diet.
3. Complete the related
examination, three routine inspection, the function of the kidneys and the
4. Herbal tea: one
dosage a day and drink twice
5. Acupuncture and
massage: once a day
6. Avoid wind and cold,
had a good mood, take care of the diet.
Date: Jan. 13, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Dr. Ming,
doctor-in-charge, paid a visit to the patient this morning. This 52-year-old man
had been suffering from pains of the joints for more than 12 years. His
condition became severe for 3 months. The joints of his four limbs were stiff
for 3 months and the condition was severe for 10 days. He was hospitalized in
our hospital for TCM treatment at 15:00 p.m. on Jan. 12, 2015. When he came to
our hospital, the joints of his four limbs were stiffness, especially the joints
of his lower limbs. It is difficult to squat. Because of the stiffness over his
knee-joints he just could bend his knee to walk. It is difficult to bend his
right elbow joint. In the morning his knuckles were stiff. When the weather was
cold, the stiffness became severe. When the weather was hot or after exercises
the stiffness slightly relieved. There were stabbing pains in his four limb
joints, especially his toe-joints and his elbow joints. And the pains were
severe at night, accompanied with burning sensation. Yet it was no red and
swollen. There were deformation and dark skin over his joints. Sometimes he had
tinnitus and blurred vision, with no sweating, dry and bitter mouth. His
appetite and sleeping were good. And his urination and bowel movement were
normal. Keeping the same formula.
Date: Jan. 14, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said his
symptoms were not obvious changed. Keeping the same formula.
Date: Jan. 16, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said there
were back pains. In the morning his fingers were of stiffness. And the fingers
were cold when the doctor checked his fingers. His tongue body was dark with
white and thin coating. This morning his pulse was slightly taut. The results of
the test showed that his uric acid was 547. It was higher than the normal range.
The doctor adjusted the formula.
Date: Jan. 18, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said the
movement of his four limbs was better than before, yet the joints were still
stiff and he felt uncomfortable. And his finger-joints were still of stiffness
in the morning, yet after exercises and hot compreing the stiffness relieved.
The tongue body was dark with white and thin coating. To adjust his formula.
Date: Jan. 19, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said there
were no obvious changes. The symptoms were the same. To adjust the formula.
Date: Jan. 22, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said the
stiffness over his knees-joints obviously improved. Yet his finger-joints were
still stiff in the morning. There were frequent urination at night, it was 2 to
3 times a night. His sleep was normal.
Date: Jan. 24, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient was
rechecked the function of the kidney and the liver. Keeping the same formula.
Date: Jan. 25, 2015
Time: 11:00 a.m.
The patient decided to
leave the hospital tomorrow. Current condition: The stiffness of the joints of
his four limbs relieved. Yet he still felt difficulty when he squatted. And the
joints of his fingers were still stiff in the morning. He could straighten his
right elbow joints. The pains over the joints of his left elbow relieved. The
pains over his four limbs disappeared. The tinnitus and blurred vision both
improved. His appetite and sleep were good. His urination and bowel movement
were normal.
Doctor’s advice after
leaving hospital: