On Nov 25,
2007, James, from Greek, who suffered from muscular
contraction and weakness of his lower limbs, accompanied with
difficulty in walking, was hospitalized in our Huaihua Red Cross
Hospital. After more than three-month TCM treatment here, the
muscular contraction and weakness of his lower limbs have got
much improvement, so the difficulty in walking. The edema on his
lower limbs almost disappeared.
Record of
James Sex: Male
54 Profession: Farmer
Ireland Marital
Status: Married
Onset Season:
Autumn Date of
Admission: Nov 25, 2007
The patient
himself Reliability: Reliable
Major Complaint:
patient has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness of
his lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in walking for 2
years, and the condition has been aggravated for one month.
Present Illness:
In Oct. 2005, the patient began to feel muscular contraction and
weakness in his lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in
walking without any obvious causes. But at that time, the
patient paid no attention to it, and did no treatment about it.
Therefore, the disease was aggravated progressively. In Jan.
2006, the patient went to a local hospital for blood examination
and EMG examination. As a result, he was diagnosed with
Motor Neuron
(MND). Then the patient was given acupuncture
treatment for once a week. He kept the treatment until today,
but without any obvious improvement. In July 2007, the patient
began to take herbal tea from our hospital. After 4-month herbal
tea treatment, he felt that his muscular weakness got better.
Over the past one month, the patient’s condition has aggravated.
He was able to walk slowly with the support of the crutches. To
seek for a better treatment, he was hospitalized in Huaihua Red
Cross Hospital at 01: 30 on Nov 25, 2007. Since he
got the disease, his spirit and appetite were both normal with a
sound sleep. His bowel movement and urination were both normal.
Disease History:
No history of typhoid, tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria or other
infectious diseases. No allergic history of medicine or food. No
history of trauma or operation. No history of blood transfusion.
History of preventive vaccination not provided. In 2002, he
suffered from asthma. Since then, he has been taking medicine
for it.
Personal History:
He was born in Ireland. No contact history of schistosomiasis.
No addiction to smoking, alcohol or special food. He was
mild-tempered and open-minded.
Marital History:
He got
married at the age of 37. He has four sons. His wife and
children have been healthy all the time.
Family History:
father has passed away. His mother keeps healthy. No family
history of special disease.
T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
He grew normally
with common nourishment. His mind was clear. He had an
expression of chronic illness and languidness. His body was in a
positive posture and he was cooperative in examination. His skin
was moist. No jaundice in the sclera. No superficial lymph-node
enlargement. Bilateral pupils were round and equal in size and
sensitive to light. No deformity of the skull and the five sense
organs. No swollen tonsil. Soft neck and the trachea placed in
the middle. No enlargement
of the thyroid gland. No congestion of the jugular
vein. No thoracic deformity. Sound of breath was bilaterally
normal on auscultation. No respiratory rales or pleural friction
rubs. Heart border was normal. Heart beat was 80 times/minute.
Cardiac rhythm was regular. No pathological murmurs on
auscultation. Abdomen
touched flat and soft without tenderness or rebounding
tenderness. The liver and spleen were not palpable. No
percussion pains in the renal region. Bowel sound was normal. No
spinal and pelvic deformity or tenderness. His upper limbs were
in flexible movement without any abnormality. He has suffered
from muscular contraction and weakness, accompanied by
difficulty in walking especially serious in his right leg. He
had to walk with the support of the crutches. He walked in
spastic gaits. The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in
his lower limbs were atrophic, and below his double knee joints,
there was obviously sunken edema. The examination to his raising
straight legs was (+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs
was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. The examinations to the anus and
pudendum were both normal. His physiological reflex exists.
Other pathological symptoms have not been elicited. His tongue
was red with little tongue coating. There were cracks in the
middle of his tongue with teeth marks at the edge of the tongue.
His pulse was deep, thready and weak
examination: Not provided.
First Diagnosis:
TCM diagnosis: 1.
Wilting syndrome
2. Asthma
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
First Medical
Nov. 25,
James, a
54-year-old male, has suffered from muscular contraction and
weakness of the lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in
walking for 2 years, and the condition has been aggravated for
one month. He was picked up by our staff in Zhijiang Airport and
arrived in Huaihua Red Cross Hospital for further treatment at
01: 23 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2007.
Essentials for
1. The patient has
suffered from muscular contraction and weakness of his lower
limbs, accompanied with difficulty in walking for 2 years, and
the condition has been aggravated for one month.
2. In Oct. 2005,
the patient began to feel muscular contraction and weakness in
his lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in walking without
any obvious causes. But at that time, the patient paid no
attention to it, and did no treatment about it. Therefore, the
disease was aggravated progressively. In Jan. 2006, the patient
went to a local hospital for blood examination and EMG
examination. As a result, he was diagnosed with
Motor Neuron
(MND). Then the patient was given acupuncture
treatment for once a week. He kept the treatment until today,
but without any obvious improvement. In July 2007, the patient
began to take herbal tea from our hospital. After 4-month herbal
tea treatment, he felt that his muscular weakness got better.
Over the past one month, the patient’s condition has aggravated.
He was able to walk slowly with the support of the crutches. To
seek for a better treatment, he was hospitalized in Huaihua Red
Cross Hospital at 01: 30 on Nov 25, 2007. Since he got the
disease, his spirit and appetite were both normal with a sound
sleep. His bowel movement and urination were both normal.
3. T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
4. He grew normally
with common nourishment. His mind was clear. He had an
expression of chronic illness and languidness. His body was in a
positive posture and he was cooperative in examination.
He has suffered from
muscular contraction and weakness, accompanied by difficulty in
walking especially serious in his right leg. He had to walk with
the support of the crutches. He walked in spastic gaits.
The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in his lower limbs were
atrophic, and below his double knee joints, there was obviously
sunken edema. The examination to his raising straight legs was
(+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism.
6. No thoracic
deformity. Chest percussion noted clearly. Sound of breath is
bilaterally clear on auscultation. No sound of pleural friction.
7. Diagnostic
examination: Not provided.
Diagnostic Basis:
TCM: The patient
has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness of the lower
limbs, accompanied with difficulty in walking for 2 years, and
the condition has been aggravated for one month. Due to
liver-kidney yin vacuity, the essence-blood could not nourish
his sinews and vessels, and then it gradually results in
flaccidity. As a result, his essence withers and the sinews
become dry, and the muscles of the legs decrease. Then the
patient keeps a poor spirit. Since the liver and kidneys are in
charge of bones engendering essence. With the deficiency of the
marrow-essence, the patient feels aching pains of the lumbus and
knees with difficulty in walking. The patient’s tongue was red
with little tongue coating. There were cracks in the middle of
the tongue with teeth marks at the edge of the tongue. The pulse
was deep, thready and weak.
Western medicine:
The patient has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness
of the lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in walking for 2
years, and the condition has been aggravated for one month.
He has suffered from
muscular contraction and weakness, accompanied by difficulty in
walking especially serious in his right leg. He had to walk with
the support of the crutches. He walked in spastic gaits.
The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in his lower limbs were
atrophic, and below his double knee joints, there was obviously
sunken edema. The examination to his raising straight legs was
(+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. In Jan. 2006, he went to a local
hospital for a blood examination and EMG examination, and was
diagnosed with
Motor Neuron
TCM: The patient’s
wilting syndrome should be differentiated from impediment
syndrome. In the late period of impediment syndrome, because of
aching limbs joints, the patient can not do any movements. The
limbs are out of work for such a long time and the muscles are
weak and atrophic, which is similar to flaccidity. But
impediment syndrome is generally characterized by painful
joints. The patients who suffer from wilting syndrome feel that
the limbs are weak and limp. In general, there is no pain in
limbs joints. They are not difficult to be distinguished in
medicine: Wilting syndrome should be differentiated from
myasthenia gravis, which is an acquired autoimmune disease with
the transferring obstacles of nerve-muscles, and is caused by
the autoimmune reaction resulting from the acetylcholine
receptor (AchR) of the striated muscle. It can occur at any age
and there are about 60 percent people stricken before 30 years
old. Women are more often affected than men are. The most
obvious characteristics of MG are rapid fatigability of the
affected skeletal muscles, and will be improved with rest or
medicines that inhibit the activity of cholinesterase. MG
patients of different ages often have different clinical
manifestations and courses, which are different from those of
wilting syndrome patients.
First Diagnosis:
TCM diagnosis:
1.Wilting syndrome
2. Asthma
identification: Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
diagnosis: 1.Motor
2. Asthma
Plans for treatment
strategy and nursing:
1. Routine care of
traditional Chinese internal medicine.
2. Grade II care.
3. High-protein and
low-fat diet.
4. Herbal tea (to
enrich and supplement kidneys and liver, to strengthen sinews
and free the network channels): taking 3 dosages of the herbal
tea and one dosage a day and drink twice.
Varied Decoction of the Major Yin-Enriching Supplementation.
Main herbs used in
the herbal tea: zexie (alisma tuber), huangqi (astragalus root),
baishao (white peony), etc.
5. Acupuncture and
massage: once a day.
6. Have more
medical examinations if necessary.
Date: Nov. 25,
2007 Time: 10:00 a.m.
He has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness,
accompanied by difficulty in walking for 2 years, especially
serious in his right leg. He had to walk with the support of the
crutches. He walked in
spastic gaits.
Below his double knee joints, there was obviously sunken edema.
He felt that his lower limbs were weak along with aching pains
of the lumbus and knees. The muscles of double legs were
atrophic, while the movement of his joints was normal. His diet
was normal, so were his bowel movement and urination. His mouth
was dry and was eager to drink. His tongue was red and tender
with little tongue coating. There were cracks in the middle of
his tongue with teeth marks at the edge of the tongue. His pulse
was deep, thready and weak.
diagnosis: Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Spleen-kidney lungs vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
Principle of TCM
treatment: enriching and supplementing the liver and kidneys,
strengthening the sinews and freeing the network channels.
requirement is to take three dosages of the herbal tea of the
same prescription.
Date: Nov. 27,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Three regular
examinations and the examination to the functions of the liver
and kidneys are all normal. Doctor’s requirement is to add peach
kernel and other herbs into his formal herbal tea for three
Date: Nov. 30,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The swellings on
his lower limbs lessened. There was no other abnormality. He was
in a good condition. The doctor advised him to take another five
dosages of the herbal tea of the former prescription.
Date: Dec. 5,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient’s sleep
and diet are almost normal. His lower limbs were heavy and weak
with difficulty in walking. He felt that his limbs were cold.
The doctor advised him to take five dosages of the herbal tea of
the following prescription, including the following herbs:
huangqi (astragalus root), baisheng (white ginseng), baji
(morinda root), and so on.
Date: Dec. 10,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The muscles of his
legs were atrophic. Below his knee joints, the symptoms of edema
and weakness both lessened. The doctor advised him to keep 4
dosages of the herbal tea of the above prescription.
Date: Dec. 14,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Below his knee
joints, the symptoms of edema disappeared. The symptoms of
losing balance lessened when he walked. Doctor’s requirement is
to take five dosages of the herbal tea of the same formula.
Date: Dec. 19,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient’s sleep
was poor, so the doctor added spiny jujube kernel, polygala
root, etc. into the former herbal tea. He will take one dosage a
day for further examination.
Date: Dec. 25,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The strength of his
lower limbs increased, and his edema lessened significantly.
Other conditions were normal. The doctor arranged his herbal tea
as following formula: shudi (cooked rehmannia root), huangqi
(astragalus root), and huainiuxi (achyranthes root), etc, and
take 7 dosages.
Date: Dec. 26,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Summary Stage
James, a
54-year-old male, has suffered from muscular contraction and
weakness of his lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in
walking for 2 years, and the condition has been aggravated for
one month. He was hospitalized in Huaihua Red Cross Hospital for
TCM treatment at 01: 23 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2007. So
far, he has been hospitalized for 30 days.
T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
heart and lungs were normal, and his abdomen was soft and flat.
He has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness,
accompanied by difficulty in walking especially serious in his
right leg. He had to walk with the support of the crutches. He
walked in
spastic gaits. The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in his
lower limbs were atrophic, and below his double knee joints,
there was obviously sunken edema. The examination to his raising
straight legs was (+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs
was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and sleep
were all poor. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was thready and weak.
TCM diagnosis:
Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
Course of Diagnosis:
the patient was hospitalized here, he was prescribed herbal tea
to enrich and supplement liver and kidneys, to strengthen the
sinews and free the network channels.
Varied Decoction of the Major Yin-Enriching Supplementation.
dosage a day and drink twice. 100ml each time, accompanied with
acupuncture and massage once a day for a comprehensive
treatment. The patient’s condition got some improvement.
Current Condition:
T 36.4℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/82 mmHg.
heart and lungs are normal, and his abdomen is soft and flat.
The strength of his lower limbs has increased. The edema in his
lower limbs has lessened obviously. The patient still has
difficulty in walking and needs the support of crutches.
The atrophy in the
muscles of the quadriceps femoris also has got much obvious
improvement. The examination to his raising straight legs was
(+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and sleep
were all poor. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was thready and weak.
Current Diagnosis:
diagnosis: Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
for treatment strategy:
Continue to take the herbal tea.
Acupuncture and massage for once a day.
Keep a pleasant mood and open-minded spirit.
Take some functional exercise properly.
Date: Dec. 30,
2007 Time: 9:00 a.m.
strength of his lower limbs has increased. The edema on his
lower limbs has lessened obviously. His heart and lungs were
normal, and his abdomen was soft and flat.
His spirit,
appetite and sleep were all good. His bowel movement and
urination were both normal. His tongue was red with white tongue
coating. His pulse was deep, thready and weak. The doctor
advised him to follow the former formula.
Date: Jan. 5,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
strength of his lower limbs has increased. The edema on his
lower limbs has lessened obviously. His heart and lungs were
normal, and his abdomen was soft and flat.
His spirit,
appetite and sleep were all good. His bowel movement and
urination were both normal. His tongue was red with white tongue
coating. His pulse was deep, thready and weak. The doctor
advised him to take another 5 dosages of the herbal tea of the
former formula.
Date: Jan. 11,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Since the patient
was hospitalized in our hospital, he has increased four
kilograms in weight.
strength of his lower limbs has increased a lot, and his limbs
have become more flexible. The edema on his lower limbs has
lessened obviously. So far, He kept a pleasant mood. He would
continue to take another 5 dosages of the herbal tea
of the former
Date: Jan. 16,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
His condition was
the same as the above. Therefore, the doctor advised him to take
another 5 dosages of the herbal tea of the former formula.
Date: Jan. 21,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The strength of his
lower limbs has increased significantly, and the limbs turned
out to be more flexible than before. The edema on the limbs has
almost disappeared. The patient was very excited and also built
the confidence of the TCM treatment. He demanded to extend time
for further treatment. The doctor adjusted his formula a little
and asked him to take another 5 dosages.
Date: Jan. 26,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient’s
condition has kept stable. The doctor adjusted his herbal tea a
little, adding Lycium into the former herbal tea and advised the
patient to take another 5 dosages.
Date: Jan. 26,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Summary Stage
James, a
54-year-old male, has suffered from muscular contraction and
weakness of the lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in
walking for 2 years, and the condition has been aggravated for
one month. He was hospitalized in Huaihua Red Cross Hospital for
TCM treatment at 01: 23 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2007. So
far, he has been hospitalized for 60 days.
T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
heart and lungs were normal, and his abdomen was soft and flat.
He has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness,
accompanied by difficulty in walking especially serious in his
right leg. He had to walk with the support of the crutches. He
walked in
spastic gaits. The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in his
lower limbs were atrophic, and below his double knee joints,
there was obviously sunken edema. The examination to his raising
straight legs was (+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs
was Grade
with normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and
sleep were all poor. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was thready and weak.
TCM diagnosis:
Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
Course of Diagnosis:
the patient was hospitalized here, he was prescribed herbal tea
to enrich and supplement liver and kidneys, strengthen the
sinews and free the network channels.
Varied Decoction of the Major Yin-Enriching Supplementation.
dosage a day and drink twice. 100 ml each time, accompanied with
acupuncture and massage once a day for a comprehensive
treatment. The patient’s condition got some improvement.
Current Condition:
T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
heart and lungs are normal, and his abdomen is soft and flat.
The strength of his lower limbs has increased a lot. The edema
on his lower limbs has almost disappeared. The difficulty in
walking has got some improvement.
The muscle strength
of his lower limbs was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and sleep
were all good. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was thready and weak.
Current Diagnosis:
diagnosis: Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
for treatment strategy:
Continue to take the herbal tea.
Acupuncture and massage for once a day.
Keep a pleasant mood and open-minded spirit.
Take some functional exercise on his lower limbs properly.
Date: Feb. 1, 2008
Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient said
that his right knee joint was painful, but the movement was
normal. The doctor required him to keep the formula of Jan. 26th
and take 5 dosages.
Date: Feb. 5,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient’s
condition has kept stable. The doctor adjusted his herbal tea a
little and told him to take another 5 dosages.
Date: Feb. 10,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient told
the doctor that there were no special changes. Therefore, he
will continue to take another 5 dosages of the herbal tea of the
same formula.
Date: Feb. 15,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient
sometimes feels that his knee joints are painful. It is
considered as the changes of the weather. Therefore, he will
continue to take another 5 dosages of the former prescription.
Date: Feb. 20,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The strength of his
lower limbs has increased, and the difficulty in walking has
improved a lot than before. There was still a slight swelling
and dumbness in the lower limbs. The doctor adjusted his herbal
tea as following: shudi (cooked rehmannia root), huangqi
(astragalus root), niuxi (achyranthes root), etc. and take 5
Date: Feb. 25th
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Recently, the
patient sat for much more time, so the swelling on his lower
limbs has been aggravated. The doctor adjusted the above herbal
tea a little and required him to take 4 dosages.
Date: Feb. 26,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
Summary Stage
James, a
54-year-old male, has suffered from muscular contraction and
weakness of his lower limbs, accompanied with difficulty in
walking for 2 years, and the condition has been aggravated for
one month. He was hospitalized in Huaihua Red Cross Hospital for
TCM treatment at 01: 23 a.m. on Nov. 25, 2007. So
far, he has been hospitalized for 90 days.
T 36.5℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/80 mmHg.
heart and lungs were normal, and his abdomen was soft and flat.
He has suffered from muscular contraction and weakness,
accompanied by difficulty in walking especially serious in his
right leg. He had to walk with the support of the crutches. He
walked in
spastic gaits. The muscles of the quadriceps femoris in his
lower limbs were atrophic, and below his double knee joints,
there was obviously sunken edema. The examination to his raising
straight legs was (+). The muscle strength of his lower limbs
was Grade
with normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and
sleep were all poor. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was thready and weak.
TCM diagnosis:
Wilting syndrome
Symptom diagnosis:
Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
Course of Diagnosis:
the patient was hospitalized here, he was prescribed herbal tea
to enrich and supplement the liver and kidneys, to strengthen
the sinews and free the network channels.
Varied Decoction of the Major Yin-Enriching Supplementation
dosage a day and drink twice. 100 ml each time, accompanied with
acupuncture and massage once a day for a comprehensive
treatment. The patient’s condition got some improvement.
Current Condition:
T 36.4℃,P
80 beats/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 120/82 mmHg.
heart and lungs are normal, and his abdomen is soft and flat.
The strength of his lower limbs has increased a lot. The
difficulty in walking has got much more improvement than before.
The muscle
strength of his lower limbs was Grade
normal muscle hyperthyroidism. His spirit, appetite and sleep
were all good. His bowel movement and urination were both
normal. His tongue was red with thin and white tongue coating.
His pulse was deep and thready.
Current Diagnosis:
diagnosis: Wilting syndrome
identification: Liver-Kidney yin vacuity.
Western medicine
Motor Neuron
for treatment strategy:
Continue to take the herbal tea.
Acupuncture and massage for once a day.
Keep a pleasant mood and open-minded spirit.
Take some functional exercise on his lower limbs properly.
Date: Feb. 29,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The edema in the
patient’s lower limbs has lessened. Doctor’s requirement is that
he should continue to take five dosages of the herbal tea of the
same prescription.
Date: Mar. 4,
2008 Time: 9:00 a.m.
The patient’s
condition has kept normal. He will continue to take another 4
dosages of the herbal tea of the same prescription.
Date: Mar. 9, 2008
Time: 9:00 a.m.
After the
hospitalization in our hospital and the treatment of enriching
and supplementing the liver and kidneys, accompanied by
strengthening the sinews and freeing the network channels, the
muscular contraction and weakness of his lower limbs have got
some improvement, so has the difficulty in walking. The edema on
his lower limbs has lessened significantly. He demanded to leave
the hospital with three-month herbal tea of the former
prescription and 10-day honey pills for home taking.