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Our dear
Dr. Walid,
Thanks so much for your kind email. Pleased to know Mrs. Muna¡¯s
progress. We have rechecked all the health information of Mrs.
Muna again. We suggest her to go on taking the herbal tea soon
to consolidate the treatment result. Thanks.
We will prepare the 30 days herbal tea for Mrs. Muna soon.
Once Mrs. Muna place her order, please let us know the
information she uses and confirm her shipping address and phone
number, so that we just can send the herbal tea to her directly
and timely, thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming (forwarded by Polinda)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment ; tcmtreatment
Cc: Muna Hammad
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 5:37 AM
Subject: good news att Dr Zhu MING
My dear colleague Dr Zhu Ming
My dear Mrs Polinda
Good morning to all I hope my email will find you well and in
happy life style
My dear colleague
I pleased to express to you the good news of our international
patient friend Mrs Muna Muhammad Ibrahim Hammad that she has
done the platelets lab count from which test result appears to
her doctor the her blood platelets count decreased to 500000 in
her doctor ,herself, husband & relatives felt very happy that
the platelets goes down and very near to the highest normal
level the 450000
My dear colleague we are looking for more & more treatment
success for our international patients.
My dear colleague
Please let Mrs Muna & me know if she could stop her Medicine or
not ?
My dear tcmt scientist Dr Zhu Ming
Please rechek her medical record in your hospital
Best Regards
Walid Alsayyed
Dear Dr.
Thanks so much for your kind email. There is no small bags
with tags. The way for how to decoct the herbal tea is as
follows, thanks.
Cook one dosage per day. Every dosage needs to be decocted 2
times. The concrete steps are that first, put the herbs in a
jar or a mug with about 500ml water. Soak the herbs for 30
minutes. Heat the water to the boiling point with strong
fire, then make the fire to be mild and decoct (i.e.,
simmer) the herbs for about 30 minutes. When the herbs are
boiling, please stir the herbs and water with a stick or a
scoop so that to upturn the powders in the bottom. This is
very important. When the decoction is lukewarm, please
filter the decoction with the gauze. In this way, about
200ml pure decoction will be got. Please take it in the
morning. All of these can begin at 8:00am. About 4-6 hours
later, please repeat the above procedure in the afternoon to
get another 200ml in the afternoon. But in this time, it is
unnecessary to soak the herbs, and only need to decoct 25
minutes after heating the water to the boiling point. Please
take it as soon as possible when it is lukewarm. The left
herbs can be thrown away after the second decoction. During
the period of using medicine, please take care of the
following things. Have more nutritious foods; have a due
consideration to good rest; take less pungent or greasy
foods; relax the mind. If you feel the tea is too much
bitter, you could put a little bit sugar or honey into the
Please check the vedio for how to make the herbal tea as
follows, thanks.
Our pleasure to know Muna¡¯s progress soon.
Keep in touch and all the best!
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Cc: tcmtreatment
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:56 AM
Subject: Muna Hammad - decocting process
Good morning Mrs. Polinda ,
Plz. send the decocting process for Muna Hammad if there is
any small bags with tags.
Dr. Walid,
Thanks so much for your kind email to send us Mrs. Muna¡¯s
Lab reports. We have checked the reports carefully. We have
noticed her weight and platelets. Now, we are preparing the
herbal tea for Mrs. Nuna. Once you send us your kind funds,
please let us know the information you use and confirm your
shipping address and phone number, thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming (forwarded by Polinda)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 12:03 PM
Subject: Fw: Mrs Muna Hammad Lab Report 1 of 2 Att.Dr Zhu
Ming urgent please/Top urgent please
Forwarded Message -----
To: tcmtreatment <tcmtreatment@tcmtreatment.net>;
tcmtreatment <tcmtreatment@tcmtreatment.com>
Cc: Muna Hammad
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 3:59 AM
Subject: Fw: Mrs Muna Hammad Lab Report 1 of 2 Att.Dr Zhu
Ming urgent please/Top urgent please
Distinguished Friends
Dr Zhu Ming
Mrs Polinda
Good evening
My dear Dr Ming
I have emailed to your keen kind attention the Lab reports
for your international patient Mrs Muna Ibrahim Hammad to
restudy her case on the basic of her previous
& the attached two lab reports in order to let her know
about her progress if that's happened and to suggest your
new formula of raw herbal tea to receive it urgently
to non stop taking the herbal tea.
please treat my this email as urgent as possible to fund the
money for you meantime please noted that neither hair weight
nor platelets goes down at all !!?
Thanks a lot for quick action my dear friend Dr Ming
Sincerely yours
Dear Dr. Walid,
Thanks so
much for your kind email to send us Mrs. Muna¡¯s Lab Report.
We have checked it and all her health information you sent
to us before. For Mrs. Muna, she is still at the symptoms
adjustment period. If she feels well and no obvious
uncomfortable, we suggest her to go on taking the herbal
tea. Since Mrs. Muna has taken chemotherapy before, the
former formula has the function of strengthening the body
immunity, so there was some influence to the platelets.
Keep in touch and all the best!
Dr. Ming (forwarded by Polinda)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Cc: Muna Hammad ;
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 3:04 PM
Subject: Mrs Muna Hammad Lab Report 1 of 2 Att.Dr Zhu Ming
urgent please
Distinguished Dr Zhu Ming
Mrs Polinda
Good day my friends
I am forwarding to your keen kind attention the Lab analysis
result for the patient Mrs Muna Muhammad Ibrahim Hammad for
re evaluation of her disease case
Please let your patient knows your scientific opinion
thanks in advance
My best Regards
Dear Dr.
walid alsayyed,
Thanks so much for your kind email to confirm the shipping
address. We will send two packages to Mrs. Muna: one for
herbal tea, another for T32 in two days.
All the best!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment ; tcmtreatment
Cc: swas@tcmtsayyed.com ; Muna Hammad
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: waiting for your quick reply! Restudying the
patient form
Mrs Polinda
Good morning Madam
thanks a lot for your kind email on which I'm replying the
Best Regards
Polinda have a nice day & Take care !!!
walid alsayyed
Dear Dr. walid
Thanks so much for your kind email to get us the information.
From the idea of TCM, Mrs. Muna Muhammad Ibrahim Hammad¡¯s high
blood plates level is due to heat toxin brewing internally,
construction blood stasis and stagnation. Our treatment strategy
is to be clearing heat and resolving toxin, cooling the blood
and harmonizing the construction.
We are prepare the herbal tea and T32 for Mrs. Muna now. If you
do not mind, please send us her shipping address and phone
number, thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment ; tcmtreatment
Cc: swas@tcmtsayyed.com
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: waiting for your quick reply! Restudying the
patient form
Dr Zhu Ming
My dear friend
have you read Mrs muna Muhammad Ibrahim Hammad carefully ?
her main health problem is The High Blood plates level after the
33 doses of chemotherapy
three months after the surgical operation for the impaired tumor
gland from her right side of
her neck
from the questions I have understood that your colleagues may
focusing on the patient 's body fat !
thank you my dear if you will restudy the patient Mrs Muna
best regards
walid alsayyed
Dear Dr. walid
Thanks so much for your kind email. We have rechecked the
medical report again. If you do not mind, please let us know the
reason to cause the high blood platelets. Did Mrs. Muna Muhammad
Ibrahim Hammad suffer from thyroid tumor? Thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
From: www.tcmtsayyed.com
To: tcmtreatment
Cc: tcmtreatment ; Muna Hammad ; swas@tcmtsayyed.com
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Mona Ibrahim Hammad Reports
good morning her height 1.65 her weight 85 kgs
walid alsayyed
Dear Dr. walid alsayyed,
Thanks so much for your kind email. From the idea of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, Mrs. Mona Ibrahim Hammad¡¯s condition is due to
deficiency of the spleen and stomach, water-damp can not be
transferred, stagnation of the fat. Our treatment strategy is to
be tonifying the spleen and boosting the stomach, moving and
transforming the water-damp, eliminating the fat.
Dear Dr. walid alsayyed, how about Mrs. Mona Ibrahim Hammad¡¯s
current appetite? How long is her weight problem now? Does her
family member has the same problem? Does Mrs. Mona Ibrahim
Hammad feel the body heavy? Is she oscitancy? What about her
mood and menstruation? Thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing
Dr. Walid Alsayyed,
Thanks so much for your kind email. We have checked Mrs.
Muna Muhammad Ibrahim Hammad¡¯s medical reports. She can take
the herbal product, T32 and herbal tea. If you do not mind,
please send us her current height and weight and the parts
of body with fat, thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming¡¯s TCM Group
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TCMT(reatment) Group
Website: www.tcmtreatment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmtreatment
Twitter: twitter.com/tcmtreatment
MSN: tcmtreat@hotmail.com
Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital,
Dangui Road, Zhongfang County,
Huaihua City, Hunan Province,
Zip code: 418005
Contact Tel: 86 745 2813387(from 8:30 to 16:40 Beijing Time)
Fax: 86 745 2813349
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment ; tcmtreatment
Cc: muhannad ; swas@tcmtsayyed.com
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 7:52 AM
Subject: Mona Ibrahim Hammad Reports
Dr Zhu Ming
Mrs Polinda
Good morning my dear friends
The attachments are for the form of Mrs Muna Muhammad
Ibrahim Hammad
living in Madaba Governorate nearby Amman Jordan
The patient would like to decrease her body weight is T32
suitable for her ?
if you recommended it let me know your suggestions on the
raw herbal
tea and the T32
Thanks in advance
I wish to you a nice morning
take care !!
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