Dear 0164,
Much appreciate for your kind response. Very happy to know
that you mother feels good by taking our medicine. Please
keep in close touch so that we can offer some suggestions.
Please accept our warm greetings to you and your mother!
The truly yours,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: Greetings from TCM group!
Dear Dr, Ming
Thank you for keeping touch. i Apologize that i was not
able to reply your e-mail.
I am doing research work in far western Mongolian
countryside. My mother is being
very good because of your treatment. Her reumatism is not
aggressive now. She glad you very much!!! Thank you.
All the best
Dear 0164,
Thanks so much for your kind reply. Hope your mother will
recover day by day. Please keep in touch and share the good
news with us, we are concerning her health conditions and
will always be.
Take care and best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: How about your mother's health status these
Dear Dr. Ming
Thank you for keeping contact. She has taken 11 days of
treatment. Her health situation is getting better. and her
knee is good now she can walk without any pain. After 7 days
of treatment, her elbow found some pain and but now it is
Dear 0164,
Hello again. Good to know your mother is getting better. As
to her case, some patience is still needed to observe some
obvious improvement, hope we can understand. If you do not
mind, we suggest that she continue another 20 days
treatment. We will adjust the ingredients and strengthen the
formula to prescribe another 20 days herbal tea for her
further treatment. In this way, your mother will get
greatest improvement on her overall condition. What is your
idea? Any assistance you may need from us, please freely let
us know. Thanks.
Hope to hear from you soon and best wishes!
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: How is your mother's heath status now?
Dear Dr. Ming
Thank you for e-mail. It is 16th day of her treatment. It
seems her general health condition is getting better. And
some swolleness are decreasing. She sleeping well at night.
But she still feels soreness at the back side tendons of the
left knee when she stands up.
best wishes
Dear 0164,
Thank you for your kind email to update your mother's health
condition. As to her case, much patience is still needed to
see the result, hope we can understand. I do not think her
diarrhea is related to the herbal tea but diet or cold. I am
sorry it is very difficult to fix her middle fingers and
elbow to normal by the herbal tea, but we can help her to
keep stable and not aggravation. Hope your mother will
become better day by day.
Take care and best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 10:05 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: Hello again from Dr. Ming
Dear Dr. Ming
She is drinking two herbal tea decoctions with 5 hours
interval per day. It is 5th day of her treatment. Unless
some swolleness of fingers seems decreasing, it is nothing
happened with her health improvement since she taken the
herbal tea. Therefore, these days her situation was not so
bad. From yesturday she is having 5-6 times of liquid bowel
movements (diarrhoea), Is it related to the our treatment?
Her current situation is:
When she standing up, her back side of the knee convulse and
does not extend properly and after several steps it become
better. Also her left elbow bended but it does not have any
Is it possible to fix her middle fingers and elbow by the
her herbal tea which is she taking? these look like swollen
and bended but does not have pain and it seems like bones of
joints are differentiated.
If you have time! I attached her some pictures of joints
which could help you to infer her situation.
Dear 0164,
Thanks for your kind reply. There are four common ways to
transfer your kind funds to us, please check which is most
convenient for you.
Dear 0164, once you send the payment, please tell us the
information and confirm the shipping address, we will send
the herbal tea to you as soon as possible, so that your
mother can go for the treatment at an earliest date and
benefit the result greatly. Thanks!
Looking for your further reply and best regards!
Dr. Ming
----- Original Message -----
To: tcmtreatment
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Reply on the health form.
Dear Dr. Ming,
Thank you for response. I translated your e-mail to her and
she understood. She agreed with you that it is caused by
cold and dampness and she said also it is due to angina
(throat infection) as well. Also she faxed her labratory
examinations to you it might be helpful. I am taking my
annual holiday on 15 and i am going to go to Dornod (where
my mother live) with my wife and son but we still have
internet access there. And how can we tranfer the
payment? Do you think it will take 14 days in maximum with
air shiping to us directly?
Dear 0164,
Many thanks for your trust and time to let us know your
health condition in details. It helps us a lot to make a
deliberate analysis on you, sincerely hope we could help you
to the greatest extreme.
From the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, your
rheumatism is due to wind, cold, dampness and evil
impediments the joints. So our treatment strategy for you is
to course wind, disperse cold and dispel dampness.
As you mentioned, you could not come our hospital for
comprehensive treatment now, so our experts will prescribe
20 days herbal tea first and then give you further treatment
as well as adjust the formula for you according to your
improvement. Is it OK? Looking forward to hearing from you
soon! Thanks.
Hopefully we could help you step by step here. Thanks.
Best regards,
Dr. Ming
record #:9896 submit time:3/11/2010 4:33:05 AM
Name: 0142
Gender: Female
Marriage: Married
Child-bearing: Already
Age: 46
Height: 165 tall
Weight: 60 in weight
Disease Period: 13 years long
Major Complaint:
left knee Swollen, convulse back side of the knee and does
not extend properly. Anklebones and leg sole swollen and
aches when step. Both hand's middle and ring finger bones
are swollen and does not clench properly. Sore at the back
segment and lower part of the shoulder blade, neck bone.
wakes up in the Morning with these all soreness. And after
some time and taking some medicine it is gets better.
Sometimes trembles in the evening (Once in every 2weeks
since last autumn)and whole skeleton pains and becomes
unmoveble on the bed and both arms pains and even becomes
difficult to wear the clothes. After feeling the sickness,
food appetite decreases. left hand elbow bended and does not
extend properly. elbow and shoulder pains. On the skin of
some joints(Fingers)shows kind of wet allergy things and
after eating sugar it increases and itches. Heart labratory
exanimation showed that decreasing heart blood supply.
great loss of hair
tinnitus with noise of chirping of a cicada
slightly reddish tongue body
stiff neck
painful neck
having slight heart problem
burning stomachache
painful back with inability or difficulty to stretch or bend
the back
aching pains of the shoulders
and back
dull pains of the loins
left kidney area pains
right kidney area pains
stiff four limbs
general body pains
muscle spasm of the body
running pains of the body joints
swollen and painful joints of the arms
aversion to cold and cold limbs
frequent waking up during sleep
reduced appetite
hunger without desire to eat
frequent daytime urination
white urine
dribbling urine after urination
deep red color of the menstrual blood
menstrual blood clots
60 to 80 wrist
beats per minute
abnormal rhythm of pulse
always a cold and windy living environment
optimistic, open-minded and happy
always worrisome
She like beaf soup with noodle, steamed dupling, buuz, soup,
buuz, milk tea,and these are her daily foods. she does not
smoke. Her private hobby is s sewing. Currently nobody else
suffred by this kind of health problem in our family.
Laboratory Check:
Blood lab examination in November, 2009 showed that blood
anaemic, blood supple decreasing, bare calcium and blood
clots bare. Ultrasound examination showed that right kidney
little bit extended. Documents will be Faxed.
Other Diseases:
1. In 1998 she had taken Prednisolone for several months
under the scheme given by the Doctor. it soothed for a
while. 2. She hostipalized in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolian
capital) in 2000 and her pain reduced but after some time
again pain. 2. Every year she hostitalised for rheumatism
and medications were Penicilin and Natrum Salicylicum and
gets better for a while. 3. She was inoculating the
Benzathine penicillinin once in every 21 days in 2006-2007,
we did not see any effect really and Doctor says it is
necessary to taking penicilin every year. 4. She had taken
Indomethacin during 98-2003. It was just reducing the pain.
5. She came to Ulaanbaatar to hospitalise in "Orgil spa
hospital" and she had taken some traditional medicine (we do
not remember the name)and clay threatment. it increased her
pain more. 6. in 2006, she had taken Chinese granule. it
reduced the pain. 7. in 2006 spring she had taken another 2
course of Chinise medicine (i am not sure, someting like
this name 'Hei Gui tang') it given some good result and
after a year it started again. 8. Since end of the 2008, She
is taking Russian medicine 'Placenta Hydrolysate' to recover
her immune system. 9. in 2009 summer she had taken another 2
course of Chinise medicine and it got better for a while.
Chinise medicines which she had taken before are always
increases her pains during the threatment and gets better
for a while. Currently she is taking Chinise TIANSHI group's
Calcuim and other bioactive supplements(Selenovit, Sukcivit,
Placenta Hydrolysate, etc..,)
We really want to go to your hospital but we can not go
because of some reasons. And choosing the second choice! We
hope it will give good result. Any advice! Regards,