After finishing the first
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: after treatment
Dear Dr. Ming,
I`m writing regarding our improving after herbal tea treatment.
I feel better and wake up in the morning better. I haven`t got
fever during treatment and after treatment, my appetite and
sleeping became better. But still great loss of hair, often dry
sensation in the eyes or redness of the eyes and easiness to
getting tired.
Regarding 0101's condition. He feels better too. His abdominal
distention and spontaneous sweating became better. But his body
temperature often less then 36, sometimes dysphoria and often
dreaminess after meal.
What do you think about that?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Dear E,
Thanks so much for your speedy reply and information about your
husband's condition. Our doctor checked his condition carefully
just now. Your some of analysis is right, yet he should be yin
deficiency, since he have fissured tongue body and night
sweating. :)
Now our doctors are ready to help him. Doctors suggest him to
take the herbal tea. We will prepare the formula for him. Are
you ready? Thanks a lot.
Waiting for your kind reply and have a nice day!
Best regards,
Dr. Ming
Importance: High
Dear Dr. Ming,
I`m ready to order herbal tea for my husband 0101.
He is 36, 182sm, 96kg.
His symptoms:
normosthenic constitution, pale complexion, moist skin,
he was going bald in his 19 years old at the frontal part and
the tip of the head,
headache after mental or physical strain,
reddish spots over the head and face after a hot bath or
some times epistaxis or dry blood crusts in the nose,
some cough after a physical strain or some cough like asthmatic
after alcohol without fever,
fissured tongue body mainly margins of the tongue, sensitive
tongue, pale tongue with thin whitish tongue fur, patched
exfoliated tongue fur,
abdominal distension, meteorism,
numbness along the ulna side of the left hand from the tip of
the little finger until the elbow,
night sweating or spontaneous sweating,
reduced appetite, hasty eating, dreaminess after meal,
he prefers cold beverages, he likes cold milk, but he dislikes
cold or wet weather,
mitral valve prolapse,
usually disinclination to speak,
he feels better in summer,
60-80 wrist beats per minute, deep pulse, I think week pulse,
optimistic temperament,
oversitting and overplaying a computer games.
Clinical examinations findings:
Hemoglobin 140 (n 130-160), ESR 12 (n 1-10), lymphocytes 41 (n
19-37), eosinophils 3 (n 3-5), monocytes 3 (n 3-11),
Anti HSV (herpes) 502.4 (400-800 relapse),
Anti Helicobacter pylori Ig G 57.35 (>20 positive),
Anti Chlamydia: IgG 119.3 (0-100), IgA 68.2 (0-50), IgM 69.7
I think it is due to the qi asthenia with concurrent yang
deficiency and insufficiency of the spleen and kidney? Am I
Thank you beforehand.