TCM China:  

Record of Herbal Treatment Of Dr. Wu, China 









Successful TCM Treatment Case

Low Blood Pressure


Dr. Wua male, 23 years old.

August 12, 2005.

Fatigue and low blood pressure 64/86 mmHg for two months. Dizziness. No tinnitus. Slightly reduced hearing ability. No nasal congestion. No bitter taste in the mouth. Drink little and like warm drinks. No chest oppression. Palpitations. Abdominal distention. Poor appetite. He sleeps eight hours one day. Dreaminess. Vexation. The bowel movements is once to twice a day and it is sloppy. The urine is yellowish and no frequency of the urination. No night urination. Aching and painful waist. Hot sense in the palms and soles in the afternoon. He feels aversion to coldness in winter and aversion to heat in the summer. Soft legs. No vomiting. No night sweating.

No other internal diseases. He has slight gastric ulcer and is cured basically after having western medicine for two months. Reddish tongue body. The tongue coating is yellowish and slimy.

codonosis root 15g, ovate atractylodes root 15, dioscorea root  10g, poria  10g, amomum fruit 10g, bitter cardamon  15g, baiwei cynanchum root 10g, moutan bark 10g, mulberry 15g, lycium berry 10g,  flowery knotweed root 15g, tangkuei root 10g, ligusticum root 10g, white peony root 10g, poria 10g.

                                                                                                                                                Dr. Ming


August 15, 2005

Slight improvement of fatigue and aching and painful waist. The stool is in good shape. The blood pressure is 65/95 mmHg today which is normal. His appetite is still not very good. Slight hot sense in the palms and soles. Reddish tongue body. The tongue coating is yellowish and slimy.

crataegus fruit 10g, magnolia bark15g, white peony root 10g, medicated leaven 10g, barely sprout 10g, baiwei cynan chum root 10g, glehnia root 10g, moutan bark 10g, codonosis root 15g, mulberry 15g,  ovate atractylodes root 15g, lycium berry 10g, dioscorea root 10g,  poria  10g,  amomum fruit 10g, tang kuei 10g, ligusticum root 10g.

                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Ming



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