Three Kingdoms (I, II, III)

TCM Bookstore, China:

Three Kingdoms (I, II, III)



13.5cm ~ 21.6cm,     

3388 pages, 2002.1.





Author, Luo Guangzhong.

Published by Foreign Languages Press Beijing, China




List of Maps

Acknowledgements Foreword

By John S. Service

Three Kingdoms

A Historical Novel

Afterword: About Three Kingdoms

By Moss Roberts

Afterword: Notes

Principal Characters in Three Kingdoms

Chronology of Main Events in Three Kingdoms

Titles, Terms, and Offices in Three Kingdoms


Notes to Three Kingdoms


1. Provinces, Districts and Towns, and Military Leaders at the End of the Han

2. The Battle at Guandu

3. Youzhou province, Showing Cao Cao's Campaign Against the Wuhuan

4. The Battle at the Red Cliffs

5. The Battle at the River Wei

6. Approximate Latitude and Longitude of Key Centers and Strongpoints

7. The Southland Retakes Jingzhou

8. Liu Bei's Defeat in the Battle of Xiaoting

9. Kongming's Southern Campaign

10. Kongming's Northern Campaigns

11. Deng Ai and Zhong Hui Subdue Shu