Herb Order Form Two


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Your complete name, address and zip code so that we could transfer the herbs to you. Also please let us know if you need dry raw herbs, or herbs in fine powder. Need air shipping, or common speed surface post?


Please tick off every item you need,  and fill out the weight of each item. The price is in US$ per kilogram.



 kg   A200, hei zhi ma, black sesame seed, Sesami Semen Atrum, 6.88

 kg  A201, hong shen, red ginseng, Gingseng Radix Rubra, 60.00

 kg   A202, hong da ji , knoxia root, Knoxiae Radix, 34.38

 kg   A203, hong dou kou, galangal fruit, Alpiniae Galangae Fructus, 8.25

 kg   A204, hong hua, carthamus flower, Carthami Flos, 34.38

 kg   A205, hong yao zi, tripterygium wilfordii sub-, Pteroxygoni Radix, 2.25

 kg   A206, hou po, magnolia bark, Magnoliae Cortex, 6.75

 kg   A207, hou po hua, magnolia flower(2) , Magnoliae Flos(2) , 10.50

 kg  A208, hu hua ng lian, picrorhiza root, Picrorhizae Rhizoma, 31.88

 kg   A209, hu lu ba, fenugreek seed, Foeni-Graeci Semen, 3.38

 kg   A210, hu ji sheng, red-berried mistletoe, Visci Ramus, 3.75

 kg   A211, hu zhang, bushy knotweed root, Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma, 1.56

 kg   A212, hu po, amber, Succinum, 4.06

 kg   A213, hua jiao, zanthoxylum husk, Zanthoxyli Pericarpium, 11.88

 kg   A214, hua rui shi, ophicalcite, Ophicalcitum, 2.25

 kg  A215, hua shi fen, talcum, Talcum, 0.94

 kg   A216, hua ju hong, Huazhou pomelo rind, Citri Grandis Exocarpium Rubrum, 4.50

 kg   A217, huai niu xi, achyranthes root, Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix, 4.69

 kg   A218, huai shan yao, dioscorea root, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, 5.00

 kg  A219, huai hua, sophora flower, Sophorae Flos, 9.69

 kg   A220, huai jiao, sophora fruit, Sophorae Fructus, 3.75

 kg  A221, huai mi, sophora flower bud, Sophorae Flos Immaturus, 9.75

 kg   A222, huang bai, phellodendron bark, Phellodendri Cortex, 4.50

 kg   A223, huang cao, dendrobium stem, Dendrobii Caulis, 13.75

 kg  A224, huang dan , minjum , Minium, 8.25

 kg   A225, huang jing zi, negundo vitex fruit, Viticis Negundinis Fructus, 6.75

 kg  A226, huang jing, polygonatum root, Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma, 6.75

 kg   A227, huang lian, coptis root, Coptidis Rhizoma, 30.00

 kg   A228, huang qi, astragalus root, Astragali (Seu Hedysari) Radix, 11.25

 kg   A229, huang qin, scutellaria root, Scutellariae Radix, 10.00

 kg  A230, huang yao zi, air potato, Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber, 3.13

 kg   A231, huo xue gen  , salvia root, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix, 1.88

 kg   A232, huo ma ren, hemp seed, Cannabis Semen, 2.81

 kg   A233, huo xiang, agastache/patchouli, Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba/Agastaches Herba, 4.38

 kg   A234, ji gu cao, prayer-beads, Abri Cantoniensis Herba cum Radice, 5.63

 kg   A235, ji guan hua, cockscomb flower, Celosiae Cristatae Flos, 5.25

 kg   A236, ji nei jin, gizzard lining, Galli Gigerii Endothelium, 5.25

 kg   A237, ji xue teng, millettia root and stem, Milllettiae Radix et Caulis, 2.25

 kg   A238, ji xing zi, garden balsam seed, Impatientis Balsaminae Semen, 6.88

 kg  A239, ji li , tribulus fruit, Tribuli Fructus, 6.75

 kg  A240, ji sheng, mistletoe, Loranthi seu Visci Ramus, 3.13

 kg   A241, jia zhu, pangolin scales, Manitis Squama, 330.00

 kg   A242, jian chang pu, acorus root, Acori Rhizoma, 15.00

 kg   A243, jian huang, turmeric, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma, 4.50

 kg   A244, jiang pi, ginger skin, Zingiberis Rhizomatis Cortex, 5.25

 kg   A245, jiang can, silkworm, Bombyxs Batryticatus, 14.06

 kg  A246, jiang xiang, dalbergia wood, Dalbergiae Lignum, 8.25

 kg   A247, jie zi, mustard seed, Brassicae Junceae Semen, 3.00

 kg   A248, jin fo cao, inula, Inulae Cauliset Folium , 3.00

 kg   A249, jin gang teng, Bock’s greenbrier root, Smilacis Bockii Rhizoma , 2.25

 kg   A250, jin guo lan, tinospora tuber, Tinosporae Tuber, 24.38

 kg  A251, jin meng shi, mica schist, Micae Aureae Lapis, 2.25

 kg   A252, jin qian bai hua she, muatibanded krait, Brngarus Mrlticinctus, 6.00

 kg  A253, jin qian cao, moneywort, Jinqiancao Herba, 4.38

 kg  A254, jin yin hua, lonicera flower, Lonicerae Flos, 9.00

 kg   A255, jin ying zi, cherokee rose fruit, Rosae Laevigatae Fructus, 3.75

 kg   A256, jing jie, schizonepeta, Schizonepetae Herba et Flos, 4.38

 kg   A257, jiu jie chang pu, Altai anemone root, Anemones Altaicae Rhizoma, 24.38

 kg   A258, jiu xiang chong, stinkbug, Aspongopus, 35.63

 kg   A259, jiu cai zi, chinese leek seed, Allii Tuberosi Semen, 5.25

 kg  A260, jiu bai shao, wine root of herbaceous peony , stir-bakde RADIX PAEONIAE ALBA with vino, 4.50

 kg  A261, jie geng, platycodon root, Platycodonis Radix, 8.75

 kg   A262, ju he, tangerine pip, Citri Semen, 4.69

 kg   A263, ju luo, tangerine pith, Citri Fructus Fasciculus Vascularis, 31.88

 kg   A264, qu mai, dianthus, Dianthi Herba, 3.00

 kg   A265, juan bai, selaginella, Selaginellae Herba, 3.75

 kg   A266, jue ming zi, fetid cassia seed, Cassiae Torae Semen, 3.00

 kg   A267, ke zi, chebule, Chebulae Fructus, 6.56

 kg   A268, ku fan, calcined alum, Alumen Calcinatum, 3.00

 kg   A269, ku shen, flavescent sophora root, Sophorae Flavescentis Radix, 3.38

 kg   A270, ku lian pi, chinaberry root bark, Meliae Cortex (Radicis), 5.25

 kg   A271, ku qiao mai gen, wild buckwheat root, Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma, 4.50

 kg   A272, ku xing ren, bitter apricot kernel, Armeniacae Semen Amarum, 7.50

 kg   A273, kuan dong hua, tussilago flower, Tussilaginis Flos, 21.75

 kg   A274, kun bu, kelp, Algae Thallus, 4.69

 kg  A275, lai fu zi, radish seed, Raphani Semen, 3.00

 kg  A276, lao guan cao, cranesbill, Geranii Herba, 2.25

 kg   A277, lei gong teng, thunder god vine , Tripterygii Wilfordi Radix Folium et Flos, 2.63

 kg   A278, lei wan, omphalia , Omphalia, 16.88

 kg   A279, li he, litchee pit, Litchi Semen, 2.50

 kg   A280, lian qiao, forsythia fruit, Forsythiae Fructus, 9.00

 kg   A281, lian fang, lotus receptacle, Nelumbinis Receptaculum, 3.00

 kg   A282, lian xin, lotus embryo , Nelumbinis Embryo, 12.00

 kg   A283, lian xu, lotus stamen, Nelumbinis Stamen, 28.13

 kg  A284, lian zi, lotus fruit/seed, Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen, 10.00

 kg    A285, liang jiang, galangal root; lesser galangal root, Alpiniae Galangae Rhizoma; Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma, 5.94

 kg   A286, liang mian zhen, shiny bramble, Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Folium, 2.63

 kg   A287, liang tou jian, radde's anemone root, Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma, 21.75

 kg  A288, ling zhi, ganoderma, Ganoderma, 18.00

 kg   A289, ling xiao hua, campsis flower, Campsitis Flos, 36.75

 kg   A290, liu ji nu, anomalous artemisia, Artemisiae Anomalae Herba, 2.50

 kg   A291, liu huang , sulfur , Srlphur, 1.50

 kg  A292, liu yue xue ye, Chinese eupatorium leaf, Eupatorii Chinnses Folium, 3.00

 kg   A293, long chi, dragon tooth, Mastodi Dentis Fossilia, 21.75

 kg   A294, long dan cao, gentian root, Gentianae Radix, 18.00

 kg   A295, long gu, dragon bone, Mastodi Ossis Fossilia, 4.50

 kg   A296, long kui, black nightshade, Solani Nigri Herba, 3.00

 kg  A297, long yan rou, longan flesh, Longanae Arillus, 13.13

 kg   A298, lou lu, rhaponticum/echinops root, Rhapontici seu Echinopis Radix, 3.38

 kg   A299, lu gen, phragmites root, Phragmititis Rhizoma, 2.81

 kg   A300, lu hui, aloe, Aloe, 20.63

 kg  A301, lu gan shi, smithsonite, Smithsonitum, 3.13

 kg   A302, lu jiao jiao, deerhorn glue, Cervi Gelatinum Cornu, 52.50

 kg   A303, lu jiao shuang, degelatinated deer antler, Cervi Cornu Degelatinatum, 32.81

 kg   A304, lu xian cao, pyrola, Pyrolae Herba, 6.75

 kg    A305, lu lu tong, liquidambar fruit, Liquidambaris Fructus, 1.56

 kg   A306, luo bu ma, doghane, Apocyni Herba, 5.25

 kg   A307, luo han guo, Grosvenor’s momordica fruit, Momordicae Grosvenori Fructus, 33.75

 kg   A308, luo shi teng, star jasmine stem, Trachelospermi Caulis, 2.25

 kg   A309,  ma huang gen , ephedra root , Ephedrae Radix , 3.75

 kg   A310, ma bian cao, verbena, Verbenae Herba(cum Radice), 2.63

 kg   A311, ma bo , puffball , Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia , 25.00

 kg   A312, ma chi xian, purslane, Portulacae Herba, 5.25

 kg   A313, ma dou ling , aristolochia fruit , Aristolochiae Fructus , 6.00

 kg   A314, ma qian zi, nux vomica , Mux Vomicae Semen, 10.50

 kg   A315, mai dong , ophiopogon tuber, Ophiopogonis Tuber , 14.25

 kg   A316,  mai dong, ophiopogon tuber, Ophiopogonis Tuber , 10.50

 kg   A317, mai ya , barley sprout , Hordei Fructus Germinatus , 2.25

 kg  A318, man jing zi , vitex fruit , Viticis Fructus , 6.88

 kg  A319, mang xiao, mirbailite, Mirabilitum, 1.13

 kg   A320, mao zhao cao , cat's claw buttercup root , Ranunculi Ternati Tuber , 16.88

 kg   A321, mao dong qing , hairy holly root, Ilicis Pubescentis Radix, 2.63

 kg   A322, mao jiang , drynaria root , Drynariae Rhizoma , 2.19

 kg    A323, mao gen , imperata root , Imperatae Rhizoma , 2.19

 kg   A324, mo shi zi , aleppo gall , Galla Halepensis , 7.50

 kg   A325, mo yao , myrrh , Myrrha , 9.75

 kg   A326, meng chong , tabanus, Tabanus , 218.75

 kg   A327,  meng shi , chlorite/mica schist , Chloriti Seu Micae Lapis , 3.13

 kg   A328, mi meng hua , buddleia flower , Buddleiae Flos , 6.88

 kg   A329, mi tuo seng , Litharge , Lithargyum , 4.88

 kg  A330, mian da ji, cotton root of Beijing euphorbia, Stellerae Radix, 3.75

 kg   A331, ming dang shen , changium root , Changii Radix , 4.69

 kg   A332, ming fan , alum , Alumen , 1.13

 kg   A333, mu ding xiang , clove fruit , Caryophylli Fructus , 14.25

 kg   A334, mu dan pi , moutan  root  bark , Moutan Radicis Cortex , 5.63

 kg   A335, mu li, oyster shell, Ostreae Concha, 1.88

 kg   A336, mu bie zi , momordica seed , Momordicae Semen , 3.00

 kg   A337, mu gua , chaenomeles fruit , Chaenomelis Fructus , 6.75

 kg   A338, mu hu die , oroxylum seed , Oroxyli Semen , 7.81

 kg   A339, mu jin hua, rose-of-Sharon root bark, Hibisci Syriaci Radicis Cortex, 13.50

 kg  A340,  mu tong, mutong stem, Mutong Caulis, 3.38

 kg   A341, mu zei cao , equisetum , Equiseti Herba , 2.63

 kg   A342, nan sha shen , adenophora root , Adenophorae Radix , 9.00

 kg   A343, nan tian xian zi, South henbane seed, Hygrophilae Semen, 6.75

 kg   A344, nan wu wei zi, southern schisandra berry, Schisdrae Sphenantherae Fructus, 6.00

 kg   A345, niu bang zi , arctium seed , Arctii Fructus , 6.25

 kg   A346, niu huang, boving bezoar, Bovis Bezoar , 120.00

 kg   A347, niu xi, achyranthes root, Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix, 4.50

 kg   A348, nu zhen zi , ligustrum fruit, Ligustri Fructus , 2.25

 kg   A349, ou jie , lotus root node , Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus , 4.50

 kg   A350, pai qian cao , string-of-cash , Phyllodii Pulchelli Caulis et Folium , 16.88

 kg   A351, pang da hai , sterculia , Sterculiae Semen , 7.81

 kg   A352, pao jiang , blast-fried ginger , Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum , 10.50

 kg   A353, pei lan , eupatorium , Eupatorii Herba , 3.75

 kg   A354, peng sha , borax , Borax , 3.75

 kg   A355, pi xiao , impure mirabilite , Mirabilitum Non-Purum , 0.94

 kg   A356,  pi pa ye, loquat leaf , Eriobotryae Folium , 2.50

 kg   A357, ping bei mu, fritillaria bulb , Fritillariae Bulbus , 26.25

 kg  A358, (chuan)pin bei mu, sichuan fritillaria bulb, Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus, 31.25

 kg   A359, pu gong ying , dandelion , Taraxaci Herba cum Radice , 3.75

 kg   A360, pu huang , typha pollen , Typhae Pollen , 9.00

 kg  A361, qi she , agkistrodon , Agkistrodon , 367.50

 kg  A362,  qian jin zi , caper spurge seed , Euphorbiae Lathyridis Semen , 56.25

 kg  A363, qian li guang, climbing groundsel, Sencionis Scandntis Herba, 2.25

 kg  A364, qian nian jian , homa lomena root , Homalomenae Rhizoma , 3.75

 kg  A365, qian niu zi , morning glory seed , Pharbitidis Semen , 3.00

 kg  A366, qian hu , peucedanum root , Peucedani Radix , 8.25

 kg  A367, qian shi , gordon Euryale seed , Euryales Semen , 11.25

 kg  A368,  qian cao , madder root , Rubiae Radix , 12.75

 kg  A369, qiang huo , notopterygium root , Notopterygii Rhizoma , 21.75

 kg  A370, qin jiao , large gentian root , Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix , 28.13

 kg  A371, qin pi , ash bark , Fraxini Cortex , 2.63

 kg  A372, qing bei, blue shell, Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus, 142.50

 kg  A373, (chuan)qing bei mu, sichuan fritillaria bulb, Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus, 181.25

 kg  A374, qing dai , indigo , Indigo Pulverata Levis , 11.25

 kg  A375, qing feng teng , orient vine , Sinomenii seu sabiae Caulis et Rhizoma , 2.25

 kg  A376, qing guo , chinese olive , Canarii Albi Fructus , 7.50

 kg  A377, qing hao , sweet wormwood , Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Herba , 2.25

 kg  A378, ping ming shi, mineral used in Chinese medicine, Chloriti Lapis, 1.88

 kg  A379, qing mu xiang , aristolochia root; vladimiria root , Aristolochiae Radix; Vladimiriae Radix , 7.50

 kg  A380, qing pi , unripe tangerine peel , Citri Exocarpium Immaturum , 3.00

 kg  A381, qing xiang zi , celosia seed , Celosiae Argenteae Semen , 3.13

 kg  A382, qing yan , halite , Halitum , 1.56

 kg  A383, qing ban xia , purified pinellia tuber, Pinelliae Tuber Depuratum, 21.75

 kg  A384, qiu shi , processed urine deposit , Hominis Urinae Depositum Praeparatum , 3.13

 kg  A385, quan chong , scorpion , Buthus, 150.00

 kg  A386, quan chong , scorpion , Buthus, 105.00

 kg  A387, quan shen, Polygonatum bistorta, Bistortae Rhizoma, 3.75

 kg  A388, yao hua, gray wikstroemia flower, Wikstroemiae Canescentis Flos, 4.50

 kg  A389, ren shen xu, fibrous ginseng root, Ginseng Radix Tenuis, 26.56

 kg  A390, ren shen ye, senate leaf, Panacis Japonici folium, 6.75

 kg  A391, ren gong niu huang, synthetic bovine bezoar, Bovis Bezoar Syntheticum, 157.50

 kg  A392, ren zhong bai , urine sediment , Hominis Urinae Sedimentum , 6.75

 kg  A393, ren zhong bai , urine sediment , Hominis Urinae Sedimentum , 5.63

 kg  A394, ren zhong huang , licorice in human feces , Glycyrrhizae Radix Cum Excremento Hominis Praeparatum , 4.50

 kg  A395, ren zhong huang , licorice in human feces , Glycyrrhizae Radix Cum Excremento Hominis Praeparatum , 3.75

 kg  A396, ren dong teng , lonicera stem and leaf , lonicerae caulis et folium , 1.56

 kg  A397, rou cong rong , cistanche Desertliving , Cistanchis Herba , 33.00

 kg  A398, rou dou kou , nutmeg , Myristicae Semen , 26.88

 kg  A399, rou gui, cinamon bark, Cinamomi Cortex:BL-57 (Fleshy Cinnamon, 6.00


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